Mistletoe |2|

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It's that time of year again! Christmas in Hogwarts is such a beautiful thing espically with the snow falling outside. This year everyone was going to stay at Hogwarts for the Hols because of everything going on about the war. Cute couples—enemies—good friends are all getting stuck under the mistletoes and it's become rather a game avoiding them but some people aren't as lucky as Fred and George who haven't got stuck under them once.

"Hey Potter!"
"Trying to avoid the Mistletoe now, are we?"
"Of course! I've been stuck under it with Ron, Hermione, Cho, Ginny, and Neville!"

Draco Laughs.

"Have you gotten stuck with anyone?"
"Harry and Malfoy are under the Mistletoe!" Someone screamed in the Great Hall.

"What!" They both looked up and saw the Mistletoe right there hanging on top of them waiting for them to kiss.

"I'm not kissing you..." Harry Stated
"Neither am I"
————————hours later—————————

They were under the damn thing for hours and at lunch their friends brought them food and shot daggers at them but no one really spoke up.
"Just kiss already! You've missed classes because of this!"
"I'm not kissing him Hermione!"
"But your Gay!"
"So what?!"
"Harry just kiss him me and George are getting tired here—waiting of course."
"I'm not kissing him!"

The Great Hall groaned. This was the toughest one yet. Blaise and Ron were under it yesterday and it took them the whole day to kiss. Hermione and Pansy were the ones that got stuck afterwards and it took them a few hours...and not it's Malfoy and Harry! Enemies! The Mistletoe might as well leave this could take the whole Christmas holiday!

Teachers were gathering around them now.
"You've missed all classes today Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy."

"We know Professor McGonagall...."

"Snape! Get me out of here please! I'm getting desperate!"
"Sorry Draco can't do that."

"Oh come o—mmp"

Harry grabbed Draco and kissed him right in the lips, and what was supposed to be a kiss turned into a snogging.

"No snogging!" Yelled the teachers.

"Get a Room!" And that's what they did.

"Hey Gorge..."
"Yea Fred"
"They are really stupid"
"I know Freddy"
"They shall never know that it was fake Mistletoe."
The twins broke into a laugh and ran to get their next victims.

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