Dudely Dursey Pt.1

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This is going to be a first XD. I think I've never written Good Dudley before...actually now that I think about it I don't think I've ever written about Dudley period. Lmao

Harry James Malfoy-Potter has been married for a few Years with Draco Lucius Malfoy-Potter. They had their two sons and a beautiful baby girl Harry had given birth to just a few weeks ago. It was summer and he and his husband would have to go school shopping to get their sons stuff for Hogwarts. They lived in Draco's big Manor and mostly kept to themselves.

Harry had just been baking with Dobby and Piper (two of their House elf's) when he heard a knock.

"I'll got it Dad!" Teddy screamed walking to the door. The 15 year ol had just been playing video games, he had also changed his appearance. Now appearing more like Harry but still with his blue hair. The boy walked over to the door opening it revealing a muscular tall boy with a shirt skinny women and a small young girl.

"Uh? Who are you three?" Teddy asked. Before someone could answer Scorpius came up to the door as well.

"Teddy Dad said to hurry up— uh..."

"You look so much like him...are you his son?"

"Who are you talking about?" Teddy asked stepping forward. Scorpius went to get his father just in case.

"Harry. Harry Potter. Are you his son or something—"

"He's my son. Now, what do you want?" Draco can into view immediately worries for his two sons stepping in front of them.

"Oh, I'm so sorry we must have had the wrong house..." Dudley said scratching the back of his neck. He didn't mean to make this a whole problem he just needed help.

"Who are you looking for?" Draco asked.

"Harry Potter, he's my cousin."

Draco made a face then motioning for them to go inside. Dudley looked confused as ever but walked in with his small family at his side. Draco made them follow him.

Dudley spotted the two teenagers walking off and playing video games with their huge T.V.

Then he spotted his cousin.




"So, what do you need?" Harry asked after asking another two elf's to make three extra plates and making the table bigger.

"I...Well I ended up marrying Alice, she's a squib and my daughter, Sophie got her letter."

"So what? Do you expect him to help you after how you treated him?" Draco sneered making Teddy choke on his food, and Scorpius to spit his water out. Draco made a face of pure disgust and cleaned up the mess with his wand.

"Dray it okay" Harry tried rubbing his hand on Draco's thigh trying to calm him down. Then someone started crying.

"Teddy go check on your sister, Scorpius can you go with him and make sure he doesn't do something stupid." Draco signed. The two boys nodded and left.

"You have good sons." Alice choked out. She didn't like it when things got awkward or weird.

"I would hope so, seeing that I bloody raised them." Draco said and got slapped on the head by his husband.

"Sorry." Draco said going back to his food.

Teddy came back in with little Lily Luna in his arms and gave her to Harry.

"Hi Princess" Harry cooed placing her on his lap. She gurgled out nonsense brightening the mood.

"How do you get your children to look so much like you?" Dudley asked. Draco snorted and Teddy and Scorpius laughed with him. Harry was blushing hard.

"We didn't adopt them. Well one of them but he's basically always been family." Draco said looking over at Teddy. Teddy smiled.

"That's Teddy, Scorpius and this here is Lily Luna." Draco said pointing at each one of them.

"Teddy was adopted, but he's a metamorphmagus, he can change his appearance so he just kinda...well changed I guess." He said and Teddy shrugged sipping his water.

"Scorpius and Lily on the other hand weren't adopted." Draco said kissing his husband. Harry blushed and looked away.

"Then how?—"

"Dad carried us" Scorpius pitched in.

Dudley looked at Harry and couldn't believe what the blonde was saying.

"How is that even possible? Men can't get pregnant." A little voice said. Everyone turned to look at her and Teddy rolled his eyes.

"I bloody know what house she's getting into." He mumbled.

"Uh, So were wizards duh. It can happen, and since Father is a pure blood the chances got even higher annnnnd..." Scorpius dragged along grinning.

"Anything can happen with Harry bloody Potter" the three males stated and Harry rolled his eyes at his husband and two teenage sons.

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