Sectumsepra Scars

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Here's the other one 😌😌 Happy Thanksgiving Guys! I love you all and I'm greatful for alllll offff youuuu! I'm gonna go to the mall for black Friday if I have to push little kids I'll do it! Imma get myself some new shoes and imma start with Christmas shopping for my friends! Be careful if u guys are shopping too! Byebye!!💕💕

They had been dating for a few weeks and they hadn't ever talked about scars. Both of them had many, that's not what concerned them. What concerned them was the amount of scars they had that were caused by each other. Sometimes Harry just zones out and thinks of what could have happened if Voldemort hadn't been killed. He would have died. Harry Potter would have finally died. Sometimes sadness creeps up behind Harry and consumes him and makes him think it would have been better if he had died.

Draco of course also had scars. Many scars actually thankfully most of them weren't visible but he couldn't help but think that without Harry he probably wouldn't be here today. They shared a dorm at Hogwarts since the came back for their last year of Hogwarts. Draco originally shared a dorm with Neville and Harry shared a dorm with Blaise but after Neville and Blaise got together they moved into a room together and left Draco with Harry. That's when they started talking and going on small relaxing dates.

It wasn't until a very late night where Harry was getting horny that Harry was hinting at going further then making out. Draco at first declined and continued watching Netflix on the T.V but Harry kept bothering him about it so he shut the movie off and turned to Harry. Harry was incredibly hot and his green eyes were shining with lust and were shining even more now that he wore contacts instead of glasses.

Draco laughed and tackled Harry to the ground where Harry wrapped his leafs around Draco's waist and pushed Draco towards his smaller body and kissed him. Things led to other things and Draco ended up being naked when Draco suddenly remembers all the scars on his body. He grabs his shirt quickly and hides his chest before putting the shirt on fast.

Harry frowned and looked at his boyfriend. "Why do you hide them from me?" Harry whispered and Draco looked away.

"They're ugly Harry..."

"Do you think my scars are ugly?" Harry asked looking straight into his eyes and Draco nodded his head no.

"Then why do you think I would think your scars are ugly?" Harry tilted his head and grabbed Draco

"Come on. Show me them"

Draco nodded his head no and Harry frowned. He lifted his his long sleeve shirt and took off his pants and pointed at them

"These eight I did four are from hexes during the battle these three on my back are from when we fought and the ones on my wrist are all from me...and well...this one is from Voldemort when we were fighting" Harry said pointing to all his scars and told Draco where they came from. Harry sucked in a breath and gulped.

"There...I have no shame showing you my scars why can't you show me yours?"

Draco finally nodded and took off his shirt again and Harry gasped. These were from him.

"See! I didn't want to show you them! They're ugly!"

"No! No Draco! They aren't ugly...they're just....I didn't realize that...that spell. That FUCKING SPELL! It's all my fault! I didn't that to you Draco!" Harry yelled getting tears in his eyes and Draco nodded looking down at the floor.

"I'm so sorry. You know I am right? I-I....I don't know what to say. I never apologized for it until now. I'm so sorry Dray..."

"It's fine Harry I caused some of yours too."

"I know...but I almost killed you Draco. How could I be so stupid?" Harry whispered and hugged Draco.

They finally had the courage to show their scars and were extremely proud of that.

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