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Sometimes I have good days and then other times I remember why I'm miserable 98% of the time. At this point I've released that if I'm at school I'll hate it over there because it sucks but now that I'm off school I remembered how much I hate being here all day. So, no matter what's I'll be miserable until I graduate and move out this damn house.

The sun was as bright as it ever was and it seemed like all the flowers had bloomed magically over night. Well maybe it was magic since he was a wizard. Maybe it was just Mother Nature letting everyone know it was now spring. Not the ugly, rainy, dull part of spring it was the beautiful part of it. The flowers were bright and happy and surprisingly there wasn't any outrageous pollen.
   Draco sighed happily and looked out the window and spotted those very flowers. They looked as if they were smiling up at him as if he wasn't a total coward. A coward that was on the wrong side of the war, a coward that didn't help anyone, a coward that hasn't shown his face in the wizarding world. He still got the prophet though. He knew what was going on.

  Pansy comes over with Blaise sometimes to chat and talk about everything that's going on too. She was actually the one to suggest for Draco to start baking, something to deal with the stress and anxiety. One day she came storming in with Blaise and Theo hot on her trail.

"The weasel proposed! The weasel is getting married before me!" Pansy screeched and Draco jumped and frosting was squirted all over the cake by accident.
"Damnit Pansy!" Draco screeched back just as loud and quickly got something to wipe off the frosting.
     "Pansy not to be that friend but I really don't care." Draco said annoyed as he made small eye contact with Pansy before going back to the piping bag full of blue frosting.
    "The wedding they're making it as soon as possible and guess who they invited Draco. Something is going to happen they're planing something. They have to be" Theo rambled as he grabbed a different piping bag and squirted some red frosting in his mouth. Draco gave him a glare from the corner of his eyes and Theos eyes widened.
   "Sorry I eat when I'm nervous"

  "Draco they invited me. Draco they invited all of us" Blaise said looking at him.

"It was obviously Grangers doings she always wanted the equality or whatever"

"Do you really think it's for equality though? We shouldn't be thinking all of these things right? We just got invited...not bad right?"

"I didn't get an invite. I'm not going"  Draco said leaning against the counted as he crossed his arms and looked at his friends. They looked confused and suddenly there was an owl.

"Mr. Harry James Potter  and Ms. Ginny Weasley invite you to the wedding of Hermione Jean Granger and Ronald Weasley" Draco read out loud and heavily sighed.

"It wasn't Grangers doing." Pansy stated

"It was Potters." Theo stated looking around not being able to keep eye contact.


  Draco had been stacked up with people wanting cakes and demanding different dates and the same dates at the same time. It was an okay day until someone rather tall came in his shop with a women trailing behind him. It was none other then Potter and the she-weasel.

He had forgotten that Potter had grown a few inches. Before he barely reached Granger's height and now the prophet says he's 6'2. That's three inches taller then him. 

"Hey Malfoy, I didn't know you worked here" The She-Weasel said grabbing Potters arm and putting her arm through it and leaning against it. Draco internally screamed,huffed, and cursed out the red head but kept his composure nodded and smiled.
   "Yea....I here...yea" Draco smiled. Ginny smiled back and clapped her hands

"Well you probably know what we're doing here seeing as you probably got the invitation?"

"For Granger and Weasleys wedding? You guys are planning it? Potter is planning it?" Draco asked raising an eyebrow.

"Believe it or not Malfoy this is basically my second job after being an Auror. I don't know if you ever thought of this but fighting isn't exactly the only thing I can do." Potter said as Ginny laughed and rolled her eyes.

"You can fight? Really?"

"Alright Malfoy, shut up" Potter said his cheeks looking a pinkish color.

"You can't shut me up in my own store Potter"

"Oh right let's head outside then, so I can actually—"

"Alright boys, both of you shut it. I need a sample of chocolate and vanilla cakes. What type of filling do you think is better for vanilla?"

"Well I think anything can work with vanilla in my opinion. Is there any allergies?"

"Strawberries and any type of nuts." Potter said before Ginny has a chance. Draco only nodded and marked it down on a sheet of paper. For the following thirty minutes they were talking about the cake and then it got awkward.

"So, Malfoy...are you dating someone?" Potter said after Ginny said she had to go somewhere but as going to be back soon.
  "No...I'm not."


Ginny eventually came back and they both left afterwards.

Later that night Draco's friends, the ones that appeared at his house yesterday morning appeared again. Out of nowhere again.
"I just feel like they are dating though. They keep saying they aren't" said Blaise as he walked along side Pansy and Theo.
"It does look like that, doesn't it? Maybe they just want to keep it private—"

"Or maybe they're just friends." Pansy stated as she walked in the kitchen where Draco was making dinner. It was night time today.

"What are you guys going on about?"

"The latest interview on Potter. Bloody annoying since they don't admit it."
"Admit what?" Draco asked and everyone gave him a face.
"What?" Drago asked

"They won't admit that they're dating." Pansy said as she put her hair in a pony tail and began to cook something with Draco. Draco guesses they were going to dry the night.

"Here look at this." Blaise showed him a news article that had a video imprinted on it.

"Harry Potter! Harry Potter!"
"Oh uh hi"
"Is it true?"
"Is what true?" Ginny asked as she got closer to Harry even though their arms were already linked together. Draco's noticed that this happened today. When they left his shop.
"That you and Harry Potter are dating?" They asked Ginny and Ginny actually rolled her eyes.

"Now we aren't dating!"
"How do you feel about that Mr.Potter?"
Some asked shoving a camera at his face. Harry looked annoyed and tried getting out of there.
"Bloody happy since we both don't want to date. Now please can I just go? I'm trying to get home"
"Actually we were also wondering—"

The voices faded away as Blaise folded the newspaper.

"The rest is about his job and the wedding. He went to you for the cake?"
"Yea. How did you know?"
"He said it. He also recommended your shop so I wound the be surprised if you got more clients this week"

" Why did you guys come?"

"We just wanted to catch you up. Don't you think it's weird that they seem so close and aren't dating?"

Draco shrugged and the rest of the night they watched muggle movies. It was all quite until Theo got up from the couch yelling.

"Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!"

"What?!" All if the screamed and Theo looked surprised as ever.

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