Baby Bump |9|

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"Ahhhhhh! Lucius! Lucius look! There's a bump!"
"Mother be quiet..."
"Oh right I'm sorry!" Narcissa had loved the fact that her son even though he was gay could still have a baby...of course he want carrying it his mate Harry was.
Draco had gotten his inheritance on his 16th birthday and now in 8th year of Hogwarts here laid Harry 3 months pregnant.

"What darling?"
"I wanna take a nap."
"As you wish kitten. Alright bye mum!"
"Bye cissy!" Harry yelled doom after yawning and rubbing his eyes.
"Bye Harry bye Draco!"
Harry was carried to their room and put down for a nap.
After 2 hours Draco woke up Harry getting a groan from the pregnant boy.
"Darling you cant just sleep all day it isn't healthy for the baby plus it's a beautiful day out!"

"But my bump..."
"It's precious!"
"It's not Draco..."
"Yes it is."
"It's huge Dray...I'm huge!"
"It's not even that big Raven."
"Yea it is Dray and plus my feet hurt."
"Nope come on!"
Harry and Draco walked outside immediately getting stopped by a herd of giggling girls.

"Your baby bump!"
"It's precious!"
"Can I touch It?!"

Harry and Draco were dragged away by Pansy Hermione Ron and Blaise.
"Thanks." Draco muttered.
"Omg! Harry your baby bump!"
"Oh lord not you two as well?" Harry sighed.

"It's just—ahhh—you just look—eeeeee—so cute!!"

Harry rolled his eyes and walked away mad.Draco ran up to him.

"Whats wrong darling?"
"I'm tired of these compliments."

"Well better get used to it with that beautiful baby bump of yours"

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