The Protests

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the protests 👀🤭

They started in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Now I've seen videos stating that there are protests in California(L.A),
New York City
Downtown Louisville,
Downtown Denver,
and (Atlanta)Georgia.

Georgia which is where I live. It's in Atlanta which is where my parents go and work a lot. I could literally go right now and help tear that shit down, and I REALLY want too.

If any of you are protesting I just want to tell y'all to be careful! We need to change this! We need to stop White people thinking their different and better then us just because of their skin!

I've seen videos of shit on fire, people getting tear gassed and shot at, this white ugly ass lady was a fake protester and stabbed people, I saw a guy on the floor with blood around his head because he had a whole in his head, cop cars are being broken, building are being teared down and shit is getting stolen. This isn't just one state anymore. People are furious.

Is this the way it should be? NO! But have they left people to think there's another way? NO! People tried protesting peacefully, hell THIS WAS A PEACEFUL PROTEST UNTIL COPS SHOWED UP!

  What else are we supposed to do?

Peaceful protest and we're ignored

Riots and we're called "thugs" and are being told that this isn't they way that the people out there wanting to make a difference are going about it the wrong way by a president who's saying all this as if he gets it!

What way then???

When will this end??

Asians aren't a virus

No one is illegal on stolen Land

and Black people aren't a threat just because of their color.

I stand with y'all. 🇲🇽✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿


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