Baker Pt.2

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   "Holy shit! I can not believe this!" Theo rambled on and Pansy told him the shut the fuck up.

  "Guys. Potter and the She-weasel just came out!"

"What?" Everyone's eyes widened and Theo nodded.

"No wonder they weren't dating! They're both gay!"

  Draco grabbed Theos phone and there was yet another interview that Harry and Ginny were in. Probably a few minutes ago.

"Since you guys are always wondering if we're dating we finally decided to tell you." Harry started.
   "No, we are NOT dating" Ginny said into one of the many microphones.
"The thing is...fuck...I'm gay. I like blokes and that's why I broke up with Ginny a while back in Hogwarts and why I haven't been back to dating."
   "And I'm a Lesbian. I like girls. So, since the secret's our please stop asking us if we're dating because obviously we're just two very gay BestFriends" Ginny días and they walked away.

  "Damn. Think about the fact they were pressured to come out because piper kept asking—damn..."

" came out." Draco stayed the obvious and Harry chuckled.
"Yea...I came out. I remember when you came out. Well you didn't really come out it was more of im bi deal with it huh?"

  "I guess you could say's the wedding planing going?"

"Good. They wanted something quick but a lot of people were invited so..."
"It's going to take a while..."

  Harry made eye contact with Draco and leaned in. What was he doing? Wait why was Draco leaning in too? Then their lips touched...

"Sorry" Draco started
"For what? I'm the one that kissed you.."
"Well Yea but i leaned in too."

"Are you sorry you leaned in?"


"Good because I'm not sorry either"

Draco chuckled quietly and looked at the cakes he shouldn't probs alt start doing soon. He looked up from the book and looked at Harry who's eyebrows were scrunched up.

Harry was trying to gather all his Gryffindor courage and he really hoped he could. Then he opened his mouth and didn't even realize he bursted something out. Fuck his Gryffindor self for not ever thinking straight before saying something.

"Wanna go out?"

Draco's eyes widened and his mouth got all dry.


"I said...wanna go out?..."

"Yea! I mean...Yea, sure"


Harry chuckled as Draco moved around all nervous
"What's going on Malfoy, I would have thought you were better at me at this type of thing" Harry said grabbing the wine.

"Well Potter, I guess dates bring out a different type of person"
"If we're on a date I think we should call each other by our first names hmm?"
"Well yea....Harry I uh I get nervous with these type of things."
"Don't need to be nervous. It's just me, Harry Potter the clumsy kid that was never able to do a simple potion" Harry chuckled and Draco smiled.

"I'm glad we're talking now. If I wasn't in Slytherin I would have probs alt been friends with you"

"I was almost sorted into Slytherin but I—" Before Harry's as able to finish his sentence Draco spit out all the wine in his mouth by accident. He started coughing and they were attracting attention, something Harry didn't want.

"Fuck, sorry please quiet down"

Draco stopped coughing. "Blood hell, I was fucking chining and you told me to quiet down"

"Sorry I didn't want reporters to ruin tonight. It always happens."

"It's fine...back to the story?"

Hardy explained everything and the rest of the night included them talking and having fun. They talked about ex-girlfriends and their current friends. They even got a dessert and shared it. Harry learned that Draco loved strawberries and especially when they were dipped in chocolate. Harry's mouth watered.

"Why don't we get a strawberry desert? I'll pay for it!" Draco frowned wanting more sweets. Harry laughed and cleaned up their table by stacking their plates and left a generous tip.

"You can get one if you want to" Harry said smiling

"We Can share it"
"I'm allergic"

Draco literally gasped at the new fact.

"When I asked for was you that was allergic to strawberries? What a shame, they really are good with vanilla cake"

"Yea, I would have let Ron get the cake he and Hermione wanted but they told me that since I was planning it I should at least enjoy the cake when the wedding happens"

"'re an Auror and you plan out weddings what else cans you do?"

"I like to paint. A few of them are in the art gallery near the hospital"

"I think I found my dream man"

"I certainly hope you have Draco"

The night ended with them going back to Draco's place. Draco had been bold enough to kiss him and the kiss got heated as they shuffled to open the door and go in. Thankfully Pansy, Blaise, and Theo had taken an emergency trip to France.

"Room?" Harry asked as he pinned Draco against the door and Draco nodded. Obviously to night ended eventfully.

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