Thunder Storms are Scary |3|

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I feel like crap lol🤧🤧🤧🤒

Thunderstorms. Very scary indeed. A lot of younger kids have fears or thunderstorms but some people never got rid of the fear he had since he was 1. Now he was 20 with his boyfriend Harry Potter in their huge Mansion Draco had gotten after his parents death. Draco was up in their room reading and Harry was in the kitchen making dinner when it thunders.

"Oh gosh...not now." Draco whined. It boomed outside and the blond whimpered and ran to the kitchen and got closet to his boyfriend but made sure that Harry didn't think he was scared.

It boomed harder outside.
Draco ran to Harry and started whimpering.

"Is someone scared of ThunderStorms?" The green eyed boy grinned.

"Shut up, Potter!"
"But are you afraid Dragon?"
"Yelightning struckvery!!"

That was how Harry and Draco spent their night cuddling and in Draco's case whimpering.

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