I'm here for you Babe |10|

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This isn't my idea I saw it from another one shot but it was Scorpius and Albus so the credit goes to the author!

It was Halloween.

Draco's P.O.V
I woke up in my dorm being held onto very tightly. I looked down and saw my boyfriend clutching onto my pijamas.
"Don't ever leave me..." he whispered clutching onto my tighter.

Then it hit me. Harry's parents were...
"I won't ever leave you Harry Potter. Come on we have to get to class."
Draco practically carried and dressed Harry and carried him to the Great Hall.
"Babe...you have to eat."
"I'm not hungry." The boy whispered getting tears in his eyes.
"Come on Raven try to eat something."
"I'm just not hungry Draco."
Pansy and Hermione shared worried glances and questioned Draco when Harry went to the bathroom.
"Whats going in with him?"
"It's October 31st Guys..."
"Oh my...."
"See you guys later I'm gonna see if I can get Harry to skip classes today."
"Okay bye Draco"

"Harry you in here?"
"Come here love"
Harry walked into Draco's arms and Draco carried Harry to their dorm. Harry started sobbing and choking on air. I helped through everything finally he calmed down and we stayed watching films and cuddling all day

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