Quidditch Accident |16|

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Ok so in this Oneshot Harry is a professional Quidditch Player and is one the same team as Ginny. In one game there's an accident.
And I don't know ANYTHING about Quidditch so bare with me.

There Draco stood. Surrounded by generations of Weasleys. Harry and Draco had gotten together 5 years ago and got married 2 years ago. Now here you could find Draco Lucius Potter-Malfoy in the stands with the Weasleys watching Harry and Ginny play professional Quidditch. They were having a tough game though.
The Appleby Arrows we're having a tough game indeed.

"Ballycastle Bats in the lead with 120 points and Appleby Arrows with...60..."

Come on Potter. You got this Potter.
"There goes Weasley—saved by ChoChang !"
Half the crowd cheers and the other half are practically yelling for Potters Arse to find the damn snitch. A few minutes later a gold little snitch is spotted.

"Potter and Macmillan are neck and neck!" The crowds roar in excitement.
Then nobody knows what happens who started it but all they know was that Harry Potter caught the snitch and was now on the floor on the Quidditch pitch. The crowd roars of course the Appleby Arrows won they haven't lost since Potter was on the team!
After everyone left and everything was packed up Ginny and Harry walked out the changing rooms and went up to their loved ones.
"Good game guys!" Molly cheered hugging them both. They both winced in pain.
"Hard game." Ginny muttered and Harry nodded in agreement. When they were all packed up in the car Molly and Draco insisted that both Ginny and Harry should get checked on. But neither of them were having it.

"No mum I'm fine!" Ginny yelled.
Molly didn't say anything and that's when Ginny knew she was gonna get checked up anyways. When the arrived at the burrow Ginny was checked up by Draco who was a healer. Ginny had broken her wrist. Ginny was alright after a few potions and soon after dinner Draco and Harry headed home.

"I need to check you as well baby."
"No Dray I'm fine"
"I know you aren't I can tell Harry."

Once they got to the Manor Draco carried Harry to their room. After 30 minutes of refusing to get checked Draco snapped at him.

"Harry! I'm just trying to help! Now stop being a prick and let me help you!"

"I don't need help!"

"Yes! You! Do!"

"No. I. Don't."
Draco went to grab Harry by the waist and the smaller boy winced.

"Please...baby. Let me help you."
Harry huffed and muttered a quick and quiet "fine".
Draco lifted his shirt and found a big dark purple bruise on the smaller boys hip. He looked up to find Harry with tears welling up in his eyes.

"I-it hurts."
"I know baby you don't always have to be strong ya know?"

Harry mutely nodded.

"I-it hurts—a l-lot" the boy hiccuped.

"I'll take care of you baby"

Harry got cuddled all night.

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