Sick Love |34|

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Warning: eating disorders

People didn't know what it felt like. Having a boyfriend with an eating disorder. I loved him, with all my heart, but when he would be in the hospital cuddling on his bed...feeling all his bones. It was scary. I loved him with all my heart and losing him...boy, that would be my nightmare coming true.

He had eaten three full meals for five days. FIVE DAYS! I was so proud of my love but then the day after this happened....

"I-I can't anymore..." Harry said in a quiet tone.

"No baby, don't do it. Do you want me to visit you? Never mind I'm already on my way." Draco answered. You could hear shuffling.

"D-Draco I c-cant keep it in—" Harry screeched doubling over the toilet.

"Hold it in gotta get better. Your doing so much better. Take deep breathes."

You could hear Harry crying softly from the phone.

Draco heard Harry gag and then winced when he heard his small little baby empty out his stomach. He also heard little whimpers.

"I-I'm sorry"

"You don't have anything to be sorry about baby boy, I'll be over in a sec"


That night Draco got Harry to eat a few veggies and a piece of chicken without throwing it back up. Harry was practically glowing from how proud he was.

That made Draco happy.

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