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Idea from:

I tried my best. I think it's slightly different but it gets the point across. I hope you like it!

Draco and Harry strutted into the Great Hall their hands intertwined their mouths moving seeming like they were having a serious conversation. Their friends who had been waiting on their part of the eighth year table looked slightly annoyed but pushed down the feelings. Draco and Harry have been M.I.A since they had gotten together right after the war. Literally right after. Like once Voldemort died Harry went and asked Draco out.

Now, 4 months later they seemed inseparable and that was slightly annoying for their friends that never got to hang out with their friends by themselves any more. Draco lay down first and Harry day down on his lap as they prepared their own plates and ate as they talked quietly together. Ron cleared his throat.


"Yea?" Harry asked looking over at his BestFriend and gave him a questioning look as Ron shoved food into his mouth.

"Hermione and I wanted you to go with us to visit Sirius and Lupin?"

"Er...sure what time?" Harry asked his eyes flickering over to his blonde boyfriend that had started punching Harry's sides playfully. Harry grinned and slapped Draco's hands away and grinned as Draco instead placed his hands on his hips.

"Today? After our last class. McGonagall knows already" Hermione stated as she placed a bookmark into her book and closed it. Harry nodded and went back to talking with Draco quietly. Draco had a little glimmer in his eyes when they were talking quietly and Ron and Hermione wanted to know really badly what was so interesting they had glittery eyes when they talked about it. They chose to have their own conversation not wanting to annoy Harry. Harry had been through hell his whole life and seeing him finally be happy was relieving to them both and so many others.

Blaise and Pansy waved to catch their blonde friend's attention and when Draco rolled his eyes and looked away from Harry to meet their gaze they started talking. "Draco, The Slytherins are having a party today. You down? It's just the Slytherins..." Pansy muttered and Blaise nodded shooting the couple a smile. Draco nodded.
"Yea okay I'll be there"

"You need to bloody stop procrastinating Harry James Potter" Draco muttered over at his boyfriend who shot up from his nap and groaned.
"Ugh shut up. I was sleeping peacefully."
"Oh yea?" Draco grinned as he took off his shoes and tie and climbed onto the bed as Harry chuckled quietly his eyes roaming his boyfriends body, as he clearly checked him out.

"Merlin, look at you" Harry whispered and Draco smiled as his head dipped in between Harry's neck and shoulder. Draco took off Harry's shirt with a swift wand movement.

"I fuçking love your freckles on your shoulders" Draco whispered as he nipped at his neck and shoulder. Draco continued to go down and Harry's hands grasped at the sheets, curling and wrinkling them in between his fingers.

"Fuck, Draco I have to go" Harry whispered and Draco groaned as he came back up and placed a short kiss on Harry's lips.

"What? Why?" Draco groaned and frowned.

"I'm visiting Sirius and Lupin. They've been working on the Manor and they want me over there because they're finished with it." Harry whispered

"Oh. How long?" Draco asked glumly.

"I don't know but you can come too."

"I have the Slytherin Party. I guess we were't paying attention when our friends made plans." Draco tsked as he started dressing himself again.

"Now I don't want to go" Harry groaned and threw himself back into the bed.

"You have to though. You're friends hate me already if I keep you away from plans that Weasel will probably find a way to kill me in my sleep" Draco rolled his eyes along with Harry

"No name calling."

"Fine. Fine."

"Fuck...I'll get ready" Harry mumbled and Draco nodded, handing him some clothes.


Harry sat in one of the new living rooms with Teddy in Hermione's lap. Harry's eyes wandered around nervously. Ron was helping Lupin make tea and Sirius say opposite of Hermione talking about how bloody long it took to renovate.

Harry started playing with his fingers as Draco came to his mind. What was he doing right now? Was he safe and okay? Harry hoped that at least he was having fun.

Harry's heart picked up the pace and the room slightly got hotter but Harry shook his head.

"Harry? Did you hear one word I said just now?" Sirius asked chucking when Harry shook his head dumbly.

"How is school going this year?"

"Oh, er, It's going okay."

"He's bloody Clingy to Malfoy Sirius" Ron started coming with tea along with Lupin.

"I am not!" Harry yelled

"Oh yea? Why are you all jittery?" Ron challenges and Harry flicked him off.


"He should be back by now, shouldn't he?" Draco asked Pansy who glared playfully

"It's been...10 minutes" Pansy laughed and Blaise snorted at Draco's face.

"Get me a beer. It's gonna be a long bloody party."

"Yea now that you don't have anyone to grind on" Blaise smirked and Draco choked on his drink and a few others laughed.

"Shut it." Draco muttered.

Draco looked around feeling bored because he really wanted Harry here and not all those girls and guys trying to get it on with him.

"Fuck this." Draco muttered as he ignored his friends and went to his room getting ready to apparate to the Black Manor when someone else apparated in front of him.

"Harry? I was just-"

"Shut it." Harry smiled as he tackled him down on to the bed where they laughed

"I'm never going to a damn party without you, Potter" Draco huffed and Harry nodded into his chest.

"I was so stressed" Harry laughed

"No need to be...though I'm never letting my friends talk me into going somewhere if you aren't going to be there." Draco said and Harry nodded

" long did we last this time?" Harry asked

"...18 minutes" Draco muttered

"Bloody hell-" Harry gaped

"Hey! That's three minutes better then last time!" Draco yelled.

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