Hogwarts #1 Couple |8|

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"Haven't you heard? Draco and Harry are together!"
"What?! That's adorable!"
"Isn't it?"

The halls were full of people talking about Hogwarts new couple. Draco and Harry the students had a ship name for them already


Of course Draco and Harry were the best couple they were madly in love and it was cute and if someone disagreed with their relationship you better un before Pansy and Hermione catch you or Blaise and Ron. You couldn't be with them without your heart swelling up. And here was Drarry coming into the Great Hall Draco giving a piggy back to Harry smiles plastered on their beautiful faces.
"Love put me down!" Harry giggled
"Neverrrrr" Draco screamed running into the Great Hall placing him in the table where all the 8th years sat.
Harry had been having problems with eating....since the war alot of people changed but Draco made sure to help him.
"Eat a little more darling."
"But Dray I'm full"
"Just eat a little tiny but more."
"Alright." Harry frowned but smiled at the thought of Draco being proud of him for eating more.

After lunch was over the 8th years who had come back went to potions class.
"Darling you're doing that wrong."
"Well I don't know how to."
"Here let me help you."
Draco got behind Harry and grabbed Harry's hands. He was moving Harry's hands directing them where to go and what to do.
People slowly stopped working just to look at the couple and when Harry got frustrated Draco turned him around and put their foreheads together whispering something no one could hear.

People awed at the couple and couldn't help but smile.

After the class they had a free period and Draco and Harry decided to just take a walk.

Draco had and arm around Harry's waist until they stopped and stared at eachother....
.....no kissing no holding hands nothing they were just staring and people just knew that
Draco Lucius Malfoy
Harry James Potter
We're madly in Love

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