Jealous |6|

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Harry knew Draco liked him and he liked Draco but Draco would never admit it. Harry is gonna make him admit it.

"Why do you want Potter?"
"I need to talk to you Blaise."

Harry and Blaise waited until Potions was over and when the class was over Harry practically dragged Blaise to an empty classroom.

"Can you help me?"
"With what Potter?"
"Making Draco jealous."
"Why would I do that?"
"Because I need help."
"Why me though?"
"Well I wasn't going to do with Ron—ew and plus you're bi annnddddd you're his friend so he'd get more jealous."


Harry and Blaise has made a list and Harry obviously being the 'girl in the relationship' struggled to agree with a few things.
Blaise and him finally completed the list. They were able to kiss nothing to big unless the both agreed on it they would hold hands and Harry would have to sit in the Slytherin table and something Harry didn't really agree on—but Blaise insisted—was that Blaise was able to grab his arse. They were officially 'together' startinnnnnngggg now!

"Well I guess I'm calling you kitten now." Blaise grinned
"Whatever Blaise." Harry grinned as well. They held hands and walked into the Great Hall for breakfast getting looks from teachers and students.

"Come on Love" Blaise directed Harry to the Slytherin table and sat Harry on his lap.

"When did this happen?" Asked Pansy.

"We started talking." Blaise answered.
Harry right then and there kisses Blaise and of course Blaise kisses back.
A few days had passed and Harry and Blaise were the new thing everyone kept talking about. A Gryffindor and a Slytherin together in a romantic was wasn't really common in Hogwarts.
Blaise and Harry had been having short walks around the school they disappeared at the same times they held hands and kissed and were now snogging and
Draco Lucius Malfoy was
bloody tired of it.

"Can you guys stop Bloody snogging in the middle of class?"

"Let us be Malfoy." Blaise said squeezing Harry's arse making Harry gasp.

"Don't touch him!"
"He's my boyfriend!"
"Ugh! I like you Harry!"
"About bloody time Draco!"
Harry went and sat on Draco's lap and hugged him tight.

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