Natsumi's Past

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First of all let's get this straight...(wait heh...that'll never happen, because I can't make anything straight homosexual) I've been how one would say,...away, because I do be stressing and wanting to throw up every now and then, and sort of not enjoyed life...But hey I'm here, i got a artificial bunny plant...and Ive decided that it's Hunter...I'm yet to find other plants holders in the shape of those animals so I can finally be happy...Anyway bye.

Also there is a little bit of incest in this but i don't go too far with it, just let me say there is no fucking involved...okay he does not fuck his brother...okay


After the second year at Camp Buddy, and his time with all his friends, Natsumi learnt that was the happiest year of his life, due to Keitaro teaching him new things to do...and the new friends he made, but it wasn't the best year due to the feud between him and his brother, however they fixed that up...and he was finally happy...but something was missing, something that he never knew existed until he discovered it...

Natsumi dicosvered over the winter break that he had an underwear fetish, he enjoyed smelling them...just the smell of the semen mixed with, sweat and and unexplainable smell that he fell in love with, he didn't mean for this feats oh to start of but it started with his brother underwear, he mistook it for his own...because he had ran out of his underwear and need a pair he picked a pair out of the washing basket and sniffed them to see if they were clean enough, he sniffed and...his eyes widened and breathed heavily, Natsumi's fetish had begun...he sometimes went a bit mad with it and started to steal underwear from his brother hoping he didn't notice...and sometimes stole some from his friends whenever he went to their house...explaining why he took Kitsimas underwear.

Other than the fetish, Natsumi was alone during the period where he was not at Camp Buddy, I guess Mr. Perfect has not found Mr. Right, even though he was alone he didn't feel alone as he had a loving brother and the best friends he could ask for, and espicially one friend who had developed feeling for, but he hasn't told him yet as he may not feel the same way for him...Natsumi, grew scared a bit, this person may not even like me he would say to himself...He wanted to say these words to his adorable, cute face Natsumi grew more scared as if he told him, he may no longer want to be his friend, and never speak to him again...

Natsumi loved this boy, but did this boy love Natsumi...

Natsumi, also knew over the year that Hunter was becoming more distant from the group of friends and how he wouldn't really talk much and avoid them a little...he wanted to know what was going on with them but he felt scared yet again, what if I say to him isn't the right thing...and I cause him more pain then he already has...he would think to himself...Natsumi knew Hunter was suffering quite a bit as Hunter felt that he could talk to Natsumi since he was like the Dad of the group...Natsumi tried to help Hunter but couldn't, as what if he said the wrong thing, or didn't hug him when he needed it most...and what if slipped out and told him something he wish he hadn't...

Natsumi felt horrible and Hunter needed him, yet, Natsumi also needed Hunter...because Hunter was
Mr. Right for Mr. Perfect...and Natsumi couldn't confess this to him due to fear of Hunter avoiding him and becoming more and more depressed...


Okay just gonna say Hunter x Natsumi isn't really me, but because of this up there, I do be kinda liking them together...and the height difference is the cutest thing...

Sorry for mistakes and spelling errors...but I can't type properly...

Anyway bye...again, also hi if your here....cause I forgot to say hi, at the start...


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