Second Day

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You arrive back at the cabin feeling extremely tired hence all the stuff that has happened...

You walk over to your bed and climb up on to the bed. You don't bother putting your covers over you since it's quite hot. You place you head on the pillow slowly closing your eyes...

Hiro: *sleep talking* Keitaro...come! don't touch my Keitaro...Yoichi.

You can cross Hiro from the list of suspects who was doing it with want to look around the room to see who else was here but before you knew it you nodded off with your uniform still on...


You wake up early for some think it's something like 6:00 but who can be sure. You here the shower go off and then get up out of it to suspect who it is...

Inner Kitsima: Whose up this early...hang on. Why am I up so early.

You enter the showers and stumble upon Natsumi getting changed luckily he had his underwear on otherwise that would've of been bad...or would it have been.

Natsumi: wahh...Kitsima you startled me.

Kit: Oh...sorry Natsumi I didn't mean to...anyway why are you up so early.

You look at Natsumi trying not to look down and notice his long bulge in his underwear. God you want it all to yourself...also at this point you are qualified as gay now. Yeah so..

Natsumi: Well I guess I could ask you the same thing...however I like to get up early and I always want to be prepared for the new day.

Kit: Oh...well I just always get up early for some odd reason...

Natsumi: I guess we have that in common unlike the other scouts...heh

You and Natsumi both share a laugh...Natsumi later exits leaving you to take a shower...


You jump out the shower grabbing a towel and expecting to see your clothes were you left them...however they were gone. As searching for your uniform you notice some weird noises from the bedroom.

Natsumi: Yoichi this is not funny...return that immediately.

Yoichi: Leave me be Mr Perfect...just let me finish this final bit...

What are Natsumi and Yoichi talking about because to you it sounds like Yoichi has got your clench you fists, digging your nails into your skin...

You enter the bedroom and walkover to Yoichi sitting on his bed...

Yoichi: I told you already Mr Perfect...let me finish.

Yoichi looks up and sees raise you fist and slam it into his face...he falls back on to the bed.

Yoichi: Arghh! You little fucking gonna pay for that...

You take you uniform and walk away from him however he try's to run back at your with a smoothly dodge and he manages to hit the bed post instead...

Yoichi: ahh! Fuck that kills...

Natsumi: stop this at once! Yoichi stop what you are doing as well as you Kit...

What have you done wrong...okay you hit Yoichi but he was damaging your uniform.

Yoichi: Shut up Mr Perfect...just let me kick Kitty's arse

Natsumi: Your not helping Yoichi so let me suggest that you actually shut up...

Kit: what the hell have you done to my uniform...

???: guys we should quite down... what if one of the scoutmasters heard the things you said Yoichi.

Yoichi: Shut it Twinkerbell...

Natsumi: Yoichi!...No...Everyone Just shut there mouths! 

Everybody stops what they were Natsumi got mad. That's doesn't seem like Natsumi to shout you think to you do you look at your uniform and see what Yoichi did to it... there was no damage done on the front however on the back it said...

*In a heart...K+Y*

Kit: K plus Y...what do you mean Yoichi...

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