//I'm not lying//

Start from the beginning

I want to apologize. 

maybe he found his way to the others. wait....where am I. I'm still lost. how do I found my way back? 

should I- I look back. before quickly turning to see forward. 

"NO, I don't need his helped to find my way back. just need to walk straight until I meet on someone I know. this will all work out."

- 1 hour later- 

"Hello, sho-chan, Aizawa sensei, All Might, mom, Uraraka, Iida, Asui I-I mean Tsu. anyone there." it feels like I have been walking for hours. I look at my phone only to see it being off cause of the battery. 

"Great, just great, everything goes smoothly today. what more can go wrong." My luck gets better I start walking and suddenly lighting happens. 

"KYAAAAA!" I look up. 

"oh, no....what do I do. ah, yea on the internet they say to stay away from threes." I look around only to see me surrounded by threes. 

"oh...I'm screwed." I look up only to see it rain. argh, it's just getting better by the seconds. I start running and sees a cave. I run-up to it. and hurries in. I look outside to see it pouring both villains and hero's (like raining cats and dogs only in MHA style)

I sigh before looking around. it's only dark and boring here. I sit down and waiting for the storm to let out. 

another lighting stroke and I flinched. I then hear someone walking closer to me. I stand up. maybe....maybe it's sho-chan. 

I look- 

"oh, it's you," I say disappointed. he walks in soaked. drops falling from his hair. 

"Great to see you too, nerd." his piercing red eyes that glows in this dark cave. 

kacchan: "what a storm." 

"yea." feeling the cold wind hit my skin, made me shiver. I sit back down rubbing my hand against my arms to keep the warmth. 

"You cold." I look up at him. 

"well I'm soaked and the cold wind doesn't help. so take a guess." he rolled his eyes. 

"well I was gonna ask if you wanted me to warm you with my quirk but since your being so sassy you can keep yourself warm." Now it was my turn to roll with my eyes. 

I pushed my knees up to my stomach and look away from him, his white T-shot was soaked and all under it was visible so his chest was exposed. it took me all my mighty power to not look. 

he sighs before walking closer to me and sitting really close to me. he then takes his arm around me and pushes me closer to his chest. 

"w-what are you doing?"

 "relax I ain't gonna eat ya. it's better to keep close to keep us warm. just relax." I start breathing slowly before resting my head on his shoulder. feeling warm and especially from his hand. I look and I see him using his quirk to keep me warm. I smile to myself before feeling my eyes feeling heavy. 

(Katsuki's POV)  

I got this warm feeling in me when deku ends up falling asleep. seeing him fall asleep with a smile on his face. I lean in to kiss him on the forehead. 

feeling satisfied I end up falling asleep while resting my head on Deku's head. 

I slowly open my eyes to soon be blinded by the light. I yawned before looking to my side to see deku. 

sleeping peacefully. I giggled to myself. while slowly stroke his hair. then my eyes widened. 

his warm as an oven. 

"oi, oi deku. you're burning up." he's cold sweating. his clothes they're still wet. 

I quickly take off his clothes, not peeking, not peaking, not peaking, not peaking, not peaking, not peaking,

I lift him up and sits him on my lap, I activate my quirk and starts rubbing against his skin. making him warmer. I see him cuddle up to my chest. 

"k-kacchan." I look down to see him talking in his sleep. 

I push him closer to my face. and keep on using my quirk to warm him. 

"I'm right here, deku." 

-Hours later-

feeling time passes I see deku shift in his sleep. he slowly opens his eyes. 

"hm, k-kacchan. w-why am I on your lap. and why am I without clothes on. wait why are you without any clothes on." 

"When you fell asleep you got a high fever, cause of the clothes that where wet, I needed to warm you as fast as possible."

"ok I get that part, but why are you naked." 

"oh so that I could use my body heat to warm you on. and it wouldn't help if I tried warming you with my wet clothes on." 

"I-I see, um t-thank you." I see his cheeks getting turned to a pink-shade colour. 

"oi, your cheeks turned red. do you still have a fever? are you cold?" he looks away. 

"No, no I'm fine. it's nothing." 

"oi, let me check if you have a fever. hey deku, look at me." I used my hand to make him face me so I could use my forehead to check if he has a fever. 

I end up pushing his face to face mine and I lean in with my forehead against his and starts feeling if he has a fever. 

he still has a fever but not as strong as earlier. 

that's a relief. 

"k-kacchan you can let go off my cheeks now." 

"oh, sorry. forgot I was still holding on." he giggled and I could feel my face hear up. 

"thanks kacchan." I look at him confused. 

"Why are you thanking me?" 

"for taking care of me. it means a lot. so thank you." he leans in and hugs me. I slowly hug him back and we stay like that for a long time.  

"This is nice." 

"yea" neither one of us is moving. the only thing I can hear is my heartbeat that's throbbing like crazy. 

I can't believe my feelings {Bakudeku]Where stories live. Discover now