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Teddy owned one nice suit and he only wore it when he was visiting his mother's grave, ever since then he had been growing so much that he had a new and then old suit every year. This was no different. After training so much with Abe, he was growing even more. His current suit could no longer handle the muscle mass he had accumulated. Zoe was impressed when she saw Teddy's white dress shirt strain around the muscles in his arms and his glorious chest, but it created some problems. If Teddy was going to attend any social event with his famous girlfriend—as her mother's henchmen—he needed a properly fitting suit.

So Abe was tasked with taking Teddy shopping. Zoe basically pouted when she found out she couldn't go with, since she had a photoshoot on her schedule, but it was easy for Teddy to be thankful for her absence when he thought about the last conversation him and Abe had in private. It was about time they resumed that conversation, and Zoe couldn't be around when they did.

"You're awfully quiet," Teddy said, attempting to break that awkward silence that had lingered between them since they left the house. He looked at Abe in the mirror as he fussed with the tie the tailor just wrapped around his neck.

"I don't enjoy shopping," Abe replied, his eyes glued on the busy streets through the window of the store.

"So you're pouting?" Teddy joked.

Abe turned to Teddy, his expression void of humor. "I'm mourning."

That was an unexpected response. It took Teddy by surprise. "For who?"


Teddy sighed with defeat at that answer. So he wasn't actually mourning, he was just being condescending. It was good though. Teddy was glad to know that him and Abe were thinking about the same thing today.

"Nothing is going to happen to me. I wouldn't go to war if I didn't think there was a possibility of winning."

"Run me through this then, Morgan. Explain to me how you're going to thwart God, herself," Abe bitterly commanded.

Teddy scoffed and shook his head. "I don't know, Abe. There is no first step until I know I have people watching my back. Like you, for example. I'm not making any moves until I have a team of people I trust."

"Okay, assume you have a team of people you trust. What happens then?"

Teddy was silent for a moment as he thought of the right answer. It's not like he hadn't thought about it before. It's all he had been thinking about since Hiro's men found him. There wasn't a singular comprehensible answer to Abe's question though. There was an endless possibility of things they could do to end Rin's rule.

"We would need to find an opportunity where she's vulnerable. Publicity is a big concern. If it could look like an accident, that would be ideal. We could run her off the road or something. That would welcome the least amount of suspicious questions. Rin is smart though, like you said. A plan like that would require precision and she might catch on. So, if we can't pull it off for whatever reason, there is also the option of war. We corner her and her Hives, fight to the death, and tell the media that she fled to Cuba or something. Maybe a throw a money laundering scandal in there. I'm sure she's got a skeleton like that in her closet," Teddy explained.

Abe tapped his fingers against the arm of the chair he was sat in behind Teddy, letting his mind drift as he processed Teddy's thoughtful plans. He had obviously been thinking a lot about his horrible, horrible death wish. It was good to know that he wasn't as careless as he was suicidal, but it was still worrying. Abe didn't like how dangerous this entire conversation was. It made his skin crawl.

"Do all of your plans involve Rin dying?" Abe reluctantly asked, his voice unintentionally quieted. He glanced toward the door to the back room of this fancy suit shop, hoping the tailor wouldn't walk out while they were discussing manslaughter.

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