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• Now That It's Over, I Just Want To Break Your Heart Right Back •


Fisher could feel Howl breathing down his neck all morning long. It felt like, every corner he rounded, every turn he made, every flick of his eyes, he could see him somewhere. Fisher didn't know if it was just his paranoia or not. He hadn't contacted that Jonah guy so, he couldn't feel guilty, but he did. He never imagined liking a guy, and now, he kind of liked two. It was all throwing Fisher into a world of stress and anxiety and guilt and, surprisingly enough, loneliness.

Between two of his classes, just before lunch, Fisher finally felt clear of Howl's predatory stare. He didn't see him out of the corner of his eye anywhere, didn't even feel like he was being followed. Unfortunately, that's because Howl was in front of him. He popped out of a classroom just as Fisher was passing by the door, causing them to collide. Fisher jerked back with his eyes wide and body tense. Howl's eyes narrowed as he stepped towards the little sophomore.

"Funny running into you." Howl tilted his head with the same sinister look in his eyes that always caused Fisher's adrenaline to spike.

Fisher knew an attack was coming so, he turned to run. Howl was bigger and faster, though, easily catching Fisher's arm and forcing him back against a wall. Fisher bit back an involuntary yelp and glared angrily up at Howl. He wasn't effected by Fisher's glare like Fisher was effected by his, unfortunately. Howl was still convinced Fisher would get over himself so, he wasn't very bothered by Fisher's anger. Still, though, Howl wasn't done with him and he was getting impatient.

"I didn't expect you to last this long." Howl muttered as he stared down at the sophomore. "It's been, what, two weeks? I'm getting this weird feeling of sexual frustration that I'm not used to so, you better knock it off with the attitude before I can't hold myself back any longer."

Fisher gulped as his mind raced with a million things he wanted to say to Howl. He couldn't say them all but he desperately wanted to. "If you need sex, why don't you just go find Brett? It's not like I've ever given myself up to you before. You just take whatever you want without considering my feelings."

Howl's blood was already boiling at Fisher's word. His patience was slowly dwindling over the past two weeks but, right now, in this very moment, it was plummeting into oblivion. Howl couldn't help himself from grabbing Fisher's face and forcibly tilting it up so they could make proper eye contact. Fisher fought his grip but Howl only held on tighter. Howl wanted him, so badly, even when he was pissed off.

"You're right. I do take whatever I want. So, either, you give yourself up or I'll take you myself." Howl lowly growled.

Howl's threat pulled something submissive out of Fisher. This was one of the things Fisher hated most about Howl. He always knew exactly what to say to make him stand down. And even worse than that, he only used this dominant persona when they were talking about something sexual. Howl was pushy, sure, but when it came to his sexuality, Howl demanded the things he wanted and didn't stop until he got his way. That's how Fisher got stuck in Howl's trap in the first place.

During their intense stare down, Howl ended up getting distracted by a familiar shade of pink catching his attention out of the corner of his eye. Howl pulled his attention from Fisher to see Zoe laughing and talking to one of her cheerleader friends. Howl straightened out his stiff posture and let go of Fisher's face, also letting the younger straighten himself out.

"Looks like the princess saves your ass again. You owe her big. Almost as much as you owe me." Howl reminded with a bitter smirk before he turned into the traffic of the halls.

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