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I updated chapter 3.16 because there was a character plot point that I accidentally FORGOT so I had to retrace my steps and fix it. It's about Kenneth's scars by the way, I'd you care about him.

Franky reassured Fisher that he had no obligation to come out to his parents. If there is a chance that they may hurt him or kick him out—or since they're religious—send him to conversion therapy—he doesn't have to say anything. Fisher doesn't think his parents already know he's gay. If they know, they act clueless, but they have no reason to suspect anything. Fisher knows Frankie is right. His parents probably don't even want to know and they have no business in his relationships, so telling them isn't obligatory.

Still, Fisher can't help but feel like a liar when he sits down at dinner with his mother and father every night. He can feel the tension in his shoulders and the weight in his chest. They don't have to know. They probably won't take it well. It might be a mistake to tell them, but Fisher wants the relief of coming out for the first time. His friends all figured it out before he even admitted it to himself, since he was always seen with Howl. His brother caught him so he didn't get to come out to him either.

Just once, Fisher wanted to say it. Who better to confess to than the people who brought him into this world in the first place.

Frankie has religious, conservative parents as well and her coming out did not go well. She shared the entire experience with Fisher when he went over for dinner and games one night. It sounded bad. Her parents still don't talk to her but she says that has effected her less and less as she aged. It hurt during times like her wedding with Kaliyah or when she went on a cruise with Kaliyah's side of the family, including Howl. She resented her parents in moments like that, but she also had a loving and beautiful family that supported her, so she was alright.

Wyatt was suppose to come over for dinner tonight, for no special occasion, so Fisher decided he would come out tonight. His brother found out and he accepted him. As long as someone was there to have Fisher's back, he felt like he could do it.

"Why do you look so nervous?" Wyatt asked Fisher. Wyatt was lounging casually on the couch while Fisher stood and wrung his fingers through his hands, staring at the kitchen. His parents were in there.

"I'm not nervous," Fisher retorted. His voice came out sharper than he intended. He sometimes got a little defensive when he was nervous.

"Your face is pale, you won't even sit down, and you look like you have to shit," Wyatt argued.

Fisher shot his older brother a glare. He was not being helpful, at all.

Fisher sat on the couch beside his brother and stole another paranoia glance at the kitchen. He couldn't see his parents but he could hear them talking and could hear the sizzling of their meal on the stove. Fisher's heart was pounding and his stomach was queasy. He felt like he was going to throw up before he even got the words out. He hadn't even looked his parents in the eyes yet and felt more uncomfortable than ever in his life.

"I want to tell them tonight," Fisher confessed to his brother. "That I have a boyfriend."

Wyatt's eyebrows gave the slightest pop before his eyes drifted toward nothing in particular. He was considering Fisher's words and calculating his judgement and reaction. Fisher was his little brother, so he was going to support him no matter what. Fisher wasn't fragile but he did have a vulnerable side that Wyatt knew was hidden away. If this went poorly, he would gladly stick up for his brother. He would protect him.

"Okay..." Wyatt's eyes shifted back to Fisher's. "If you really want to, I guess you should. Although, you just dyed your hair without their permission. They might think you've gone insane."

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