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I know this is an early update but I just finished writing this phase of the story and I am SO DESPERATE for you guys to read everything! I'm so excited about what's happening! I have been waiting to finally hit this part of Teddy and Zoe's lives for literal years! Also, this is gonna be the last chapter of 2019 which is super cool because the first phase of this story also ended last December. How fitting. Each phase takes me about a year to write and publish. And in the story we only made it two months.. 😅😂


"Can I ask you a super personal question?" Teddy asked with his phone pressed to his ear as he inspected the box of condoms in his hand.

"How personal?" Howl asked as he lounged back against his bed and through his free hand behind his head.

"Like... dick-size-personal." Teddy grimaced, keeping his voice down so others that might be in the convenient store didn't hear him.

"Dick-size-personal? Wow... Do you actually want to know how big my dick is or are we just talking about something equivalent to that topic?" Howl chuckled.

"I don't want to know measurements or anything. I don't want anymore information about your dick than necessary but..." Teddy raised his eyes to the rows and rows of condoms sitting in front of him. "You've bought condoms before, right? I assume you have safe sex, especially with multiple sexual partners. How do you know which ones to get?"

"Are you buying condoms?" Howl perked up with a soft gasp. "To have sex? You? With who? Please tell me you're going to have sex with Zoe and finally put us all out of our misery."

Teddy let a heavy sigh fall off his chest as he rolled his eyes. "You don't know need to know anymore information than is necessary, Howl. The point is, I'm staring at four shelves of condoms and I don't know what the hell I'm looking for. Which ones do you use?"

Howl happily snickered to himself and relaxed again. He could not have been more pleased with the reality that Teddy Morgan was getting ready to finally have sex, likely, with Zoe Yang. Everything was finally falling into place.

"I just grab the Trojan ones, to be honest." Howl shrugged.

"Well, that's a bit vague, Howl." Teddy groused and reached for the black box with the Trojan brand on it. "Holy shit. This one says Extra Large. Whaaat the fuuuck?"

Howl laughed at the shock in Teddy's reaction but also laughed at how quietly he had exclaimed said reaction. He could tell Teddy was trying to be quiet in a public place and compromising setting but he was still blown away by what he was looking at. Howl actually wished he could have went condom shopping with Teddy to see his reaction to everything. It had been awhile since awhile since Howl was a virgin and even longer since he had virgin eyes.

Howl couldn't imagine how funny it would be to drag Teddy into a raunchy sex shop.

"Judging by your reaction, you do not need Extra Large." Howl laughed.

"No, I do not." Teddy grumbled as he put the black box back and reached aimlessly for another Trojan box. "I mean, I'm not small... Not that I'm trying to save face or whatever the fuck because I know I have to be forthright here but... I'm also not like... huge, either. It's just a dick. It's average.."

"That's good to know." Howl snorted a laugh. "No weird bumps or extra testicles we have to worry about?"

"Oh, shut up, Howl." Teddy retorted and Howl laughed. "And don't say we as if you and I have to worry about my dick. Only I have to worry about my dick."

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