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"Ugh! You son of a bitch!" Brett seethed as he writhed in pain on the floor, slowly pushing himself to his feet.

Before Brett could get up and continue this fight, Howl scurried out of the bathroom and slammed the door shut. Fisher stepped back and shook out his hand to relieve some of the pain pulsating in his knuckles. Brett had a really hard head and Fisher wasn't exactly used to punching people in the face. Howl, on the other hand, stood in front of Fisher with his eyes still wide and chest heaving as his heart raced. He was shocked to see Fisher defend him like that. Howl could very well handle himself with Brett but, it still made him a bit fuzzy inside to see Fisher stand up for him.

"Are you okay?" Howl whispered as he reached for Fisher's hand. Fisher still scowled but, was lenient to Howl's approach and let him tend to his injured hand.

"I'm fine. That guy's skull is just as thick as it seems, though." Fisher bitterly grumbled. His eyes lingered on Howl for a moment as his scowl turned to a soft frown. "You two were kissing."

"Against my own will. If you didn't notice, I tried to fight back." Howl's pitch black eyes raised to meet Fisher's stare.

Fisher stayed quiet and upset as his gaze dropped to his hand, which was sat gently in Howl's. It took him a moment of thinking before he spoke up again. "I hate that guy."

Howl cracked a smile at Fisher's bitter attitude and rubbed his thumb over Fisher's knuckles as he smiled down at his hand. There was a moment of silence between them, and in the bathroom beside them, where Brett was obviously collecting himself and taking a minute to cool down. It was a good thing that Brett hadn't charged out of the bathroom again. He must've known he needed to cool down by himself right now.

Howl was the first to break the silence with a single chuckle, though, causing Fisher to cock an eyebrow curiously up at him.

"What?" Fisher reluctantly asked. He hadn't yet removed his hand from Howl's grasp, since it was kind of nice to be touched and tended to by him.

"You just called me your boyfriend." Howl finally looked up, a full, beaming, cocky smile lighting up his handsome features. "I thought you didn't like that word."

Fisher furiously blushed and yanked his hand out of Howl's grasp. He could suddenly feel his heart thumping in his chest. "It was a matter of circumstance, Howl! That's not really how I think of you! Or us.."

"How do you think of us, then?" Howl teasingly pushed.

"Ugh! Get away from me.." Fisher grimaced as he turned to flee.

Unfortunately but predictably, Howl followed. "Get away from you? You're the one that came to me, Fish."

"Yeah, well, I was about to tell you that you could be my New Years kiss if you weren't going to be such a prick all night but now, you have Brett cooties all over you so, I'm not so sure I want to be around you anymore." Fisher bitterly explained as he trotted down the steps.

"Yeah, right!" Howl grabbed Fisher's arm once they both reached the bottom and spun him around so they could look each other in the eyes. Fisher hated that he was still smirking like that. "You missed me after storming off, got upset when you saw me with Brett, and now you're trying to hide the fact that you actually do think of me as your boyfriend. Give up the act already, Fisher. I know you too well to be fooled."

Fisher gritted his teeth as he glared at Howl, trying his absolute best not to grab a fistful of his shirt and kiss him. There was an undeniable attraction Fisher had towards Howl that drove him crazy. He imagined Brett probably had a similar feeling as well. As much as someone could hate Howl, they could love his twice as hard. Howl was a strange creature with a weird charm to him that twisted people up so much that it was hard not to feel everything when it came to him. It was hard to just hate him.

Sorry, I Love You.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang