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• She Don't Care •


This was the first time since walking into Hudson High School that Zoe Yang actually wondered if she had picked the right friends. Of course, even if she didn't, she would never go back in time and change it. All of these assholes kept getting her in trouble, but she kinda liked it. The Breakfast Club had fun when they got in trouble. Maybe, by the time they were allowed to finally leave this gym, everyone would resolve their issues with one another and they'd become something of best friends.

There was enough room in this gym for them all to attempt that famous slide scene in The Breakfast Club movie. There were no tables but maybe they could dance at the top of the bleachers.

Unfortunately, they were trapped in the schools main gymnasium, which was almost two basketball courts worth of open land. That gave Brett, Chuck, Fisher, Zoe, Teddy, and Howl all room to be as far away from each other as possible. Even though they were tasked with the job of cleaning up the gym, nobody had really done anything. Fisher, Chuck, and Zoe were cleaning the bleachers and sweeping the floors, but the others refused to help.

Brett was laid across the top of one of the four bleachers with a rag over his face. He was meant to be cleaning with it but it hadn't touched anything so he simply slapped it over his face so he could nap. Howl was sat at the bottom of the opposing bleachers, his elbows rested on his knees as his eyes shifted between Fisher and Brett over and over again. Teddy was also napping in a sitting position at the top of the bleachers that Howl was sat at, his hood over his head and hands in his hoodie pocket.

Zoe couldn't help but look around and sigh. How did they all even get here? Well, there was a story to answer that but Zoe didn't even know how it all truly started.

The Monday after the Halloween party is when everything went to shit. The free period that all the students got last week was only because there was a pep rally that suppose to happen, but because of previous events, they postponed it for a meeting. Now, though, the pep fest was back on. Everyone funneled into the gymnasium and piled on to all the long rows of bleachers. Zoe, who hadn't ever been to a pep rally or any actual public school before, was beyond excited.

"There are a couple parts where the teachers give really boring, motivating speeches, other wise, all our dance teams perform and then we get to play some games in front of the whole school." Vanessa excitedly explained to Zoe as they linked arms and climbed the bleachers.

Zoe's clique of friends had piled together as best they could as everyone filled in around them. She could hardly contain her excitement as she not-so-patiently waited for all her fellow classmates to fill in the rest of the bleachers. The principle was the first to give a motivating speech to his students, and then the student councilor was next, and then the senior class president took the mic to introduce the fun part. Zoe nearly squealed and nothing had happened yet.

Teddy wasn't at all surprised when Zoe ended up being the loudest person in the gym when the performances started. Her friends fed off her energy as she cheered for the step team, and that one guy that jumped at any chance to play his guitar and sing, and the dance team. It wasn't until a small group of their classmates started dancing to a foreign song that Zoe jumped up and screamed like crazy. It was some form of Asian pop that he didn't recognize but she knew every foreign word to.

Zoe couldn't have been enjoying herself more. She loved every second of the performances, didn't mind the teacher speeches, and got even more excited for the games. Nobody was really surprised when the senior class president asked for volunteers from the crowd and easily spotted Zoe first. She excitedly rushed on to the gym floor as the class president picked a round of other students. Six girls and six boys were randomly picked from the bleachers all separated three vs three across the basketball court.

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