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Zoe gave Teddy little reaction besides the reflexive, slight narrow of her eyes that vanished quickly and the tension that took hold of her shoulders. She didn't want to admit that Teddy's sudden sent a surge of hormones, emotional and sexual, though her entire body. Her breath quicken, though, giving away the affect of his words. It was the first thing he had said to her, face to face, in three months. How could she not be a little flustered by it?

"You shouldn't be here," Zoe said, trying to bury the butterflies in her stomach with some artificial anger.

Zoe could tell by the look in Teddy's eyes that he wasn't listening to her, which was only verified when he opened his mouth and whispered, "can I kiss you?"

The butterflies anxiously rattled in Zoe's stomach but she ignored them as she gawked at Teddy in shock. Was that why he was here? To beg for her? As if he hadn't been doing that enough by blowing up her phone? Did he come all the way to Los Angeles just to harass her into being with him? Had he gone crazy? Did he really think walking into the belly of the beast would make her throw herself into Teddy's arms again? Because this sure as hell was the absolute last place Zoe ever wanted to see him.

The idea made Zoe fill with so much rage that she decided to slam her door shut and completely ignore all the happy fluttering happening inside her and warming her cheeks. Teddy was too quick though, and grabbed the door and the doorframe with a strong, unmoving grip. He even wedged his foot against the door to anchor his strength and his weight because nothing was going to get in the way of him and the love of his life.

"No! I'm sorry!" Teddy blurted as he caught the door. Zoe still hid partially behind the door,kept her eyes down, held a tight frown on her delicate face. "I'm sorry, Zo. I just got excited. I won't do it again."

Teddy mentally cursed himself and his stupid mouth. He wasn't thinking about anything besides how much fun it was to have her by his side everyday and how amazing it felt to finally have her in his arms. He got too caught up in his feelings and it was pushing her away. He just missed her so much he didn't know how to handle this sudden reunion. After months of being apart, he still wasn't prepared for this.

"I asked you why you're here," Zoe quietly reminded. Neither of them moved, stuck in a stalemate with Teddy's body wedged in the door and Zoe pressing against it.

"This is my job. I had to show up to work at some point." Teddy joked, hoping it would lighten the mood.

It didn't. It only reminded Zoe that Teddy was under her mother's command. He had to march in line with all of the other robots, whether either of them liked it. The reminder only made Zoe push on the door harder and grunt with frustration when it didn't move. Maybe he really had been working out in the last few months. She could've sworn she wasn't this weak against him when they were wrestling.

"Please, Zoe!" Teddy begged with strained muscles. She really was pushing with all her might, which meant she must really hate the fact that he was here right now. "Zo, just talk to me! You can't shut me out forever!"

Zoe let go of the door and stepped away from it with a defeated sob. Teddy held on to the door and gently heaved as he watched Zoe drop her head into her hands. Her damp, golden locks fell in front of her face, blocking his view of her, but he could tell she was crying by the broken sobs that she was trying to hide and the shake of her shoulders. He didn't move, too afraid that she would feel cornered since he was already in her house against her wishes.

"Zoe, please... You know I hate seeing you cry." Teddy's voice was soft and desperate, just like the cold heart in his chest.

"So does my mother." Zoe wiped away her tears with her arms but they kept falling. "I can't seem to shut her out either. I can't cry, I can't escape, I can't-"

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