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I don't know if you guys play the music as you read or before or after the chapter or if you just ignore it completely...

BUT if you're one of the people that play the music while reading, I'd wait to play it until after Fisher and Howl's scene. The song won't play to the end of the chapter and if there was a repeat button that'd be sick, but it matches the vibe of the scene and I would want that song to play in the tv show version of this book so, play at your own will or whateva.

"This was you?" Teddy asked, eyes wide and chest heaving. His rage was blinding his vision and eliminating all the noises around him until he was solely focused on Abe. "You kidnapped her? You took Zoe?"

"I had nothing to do with it." Abe realized Teddy wasn't going to accept his handshake and raised his hands in surrender. "I'm just the messenger."

Teddy didn't care what Abe had to say, all he wanted to do was hit something. Full of pure rage, Teddy leaned forward and took a swing at Abe, who easily sidestepped his attack and grabbed Teddy's shoulder to push him forward. The force of his push and Teddy's lazily swing threw him towards the ground and on to his face. Teddy growled in frustration and slammed his fist on the ground before he pushed himself up again. Abe simply stood and sighed as he watched Teddy throw his little temper tantrum.

"You failed to protect her, which means you failed the Prevention Plan, so your test will be harder." Abe said. "Now, we move on to the Recovery Plan. You're only allowed an hour to complete this plan. If you fail that too, well... I hope you never see the other side of that tunnel."

"Then what?" Teddy barked as he turned to Abe. "Those asshats kill Zoe and then Rin sends more people to kill me?"

Abe scoffed and shook his head. "You should take a minute to breathe, Morgan. You obviously don't understand what's going on yet. This is just a test."

"I can't take a minute to breathe! They have Zoe!" Teddy said as she rushed towards the car.

Abe stepped in Teddy's path and put a stiff arm out to catch his shoulder. "I know where they're taking Zoe. Calm down, Morgan. Rin doesn't want soldiers that don't think before they act."

Teddy met Abe's stare with a red mist clouding his vision and his chest heaving with anger and panic. "I am not one of Rin's soldiers! I'm going after Zoe for her! I don't give a shit what Rin wants from me!"

Teddy tried to sidestep Abe and push forward but Abe was much stronger and faster. In the blink of an eye, Teddy was pinned against the Sensation with his arm twisted behind his back and a hand keeping his head pinned to the car with an aggressive amount of pressure. Teddy grunted and struggled but Abe didn't budge, which was only making Teddy even angrier. He was angry at Rin, he was angry at Abe, but he hated himself for not being able to fight this and protect Zoe.

"Take a deep breath and think, Morgan. If you don't want to please Rin, that's fine. Most of us don't. However, if you want to save Zoe, you need to stop and think." Abe calmly advised as he held Teddy in place.

Teddy's thoughts were racing too quickly for him to figure out what he was suppose to do. He couldn't think of anything that didn't have to do with getting in the car and scouring the city for Zoe. The images of seeing Zoe get grabbed like that, the terrified look in her eyes, and her screams for him were haunting. He felt like his brain was melting. Every joint in his body ached and his lungs still burned since his breathing refused to steady.

It was easier for Teddy to think once Abe let go of him. Teddy's muscles loosened, he pressed his forehead to the cold metal, and his palms flattened against the car. For a few moments, Teddy simply closed his eyes and breathed in an attempt to calm and clear his thoughts.

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