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~ If Life's Like A Movie, Do All Things Stop?
After The Kiss, Does The Curtain Drop?
It All Feels So Perfect, What Happens Next? ~


"I stand here for one reason and one reason only." Chuck declared as he took one, last, determined step towards Teddy's locker. Teddy looked him over as he zipped up his backpack, his face twisting with confusion and disgust as the curly headed blonde stared up at him. "I want to call a truce."

Teddy's eyes narrowed in his twisted expression as he threw his backpack over his shoulder. His eyes never strayed from Chuck until he turned around to walk down the busy hallway. He had no interest in calling a truce with Chuck. He didn't care enough. He didn't even think about Chuck unless the dumbass put himself in his business, which he had done multiple times in their lives. Teddy really, really didn't care, though. Chuck, on the other hand, cared a lot.

"We're throwing a surprise Christmas party for Zoe before she leaves and, since you two seem so close, I feel like I should invite you." Chuck rambled as he followed Teddy through the hallway. "That's my truce. As much as I hate it that you're friends, it's not like I can stop it so-"

Teddy rolled his eyes, keeping his attention forward and his thumbs hooked in the straps of his backpack. "We're not close, Chuck, and I can't think of anything worse than going to a party full of all her dumbass friends."

Chuck scowled up at Teddy but tried not to snap on him. He was struggling more and more to figure out why Zoe would ever be friends with a loser like Teddy but, he couldn't think about that. He had to put all of that aside, like Zoe said. The new year brought new beginnings so, Chuck thought he might as well start now. He'd simmer his feud with Teddy, seduce Zoe into falling in love with him, and never live with another care in the world. The only problem was that Teddy, an unwilling victim in Chuck's game, was going to be the most difficult part.

"Come on, it's for Zoe." Chuck sighed. "She's going to be gone for a whole month, she's not even going to be able to celebrate Christmas because she'll be so busy, and we all want to see her and celebrate with her before she leaves. That party is at Jennie's and, since Howl never misses a party, I bet you could hitch a ride with him. Zoe would probably really appreciate it if you came too so... just think about it.."

And with that, Chuck swiftly turned to escaped. He didn't like saying all of that about Zoe appreciating Teddy but, he knew what he was saying wasn't wrong. Zoe appreciated everybody so, she'd definitely appreciate someone as insignificant as Teddy. Zoe was too kind for her own good. Her surprise Christmas party was likely going to be ruined if Teddy had any involvement in it, Chuck was sure of that much.

Teddy's initial reaction was to scoff and shake his head. But, as his train of thoughts started to accelerate in speed, he was quickly changing his mind. The party was the last time Zoe was going to be here for an entire month. It was the last time anyone was going to see her for an entire month so, why was it just her dumbass friends that got that opportunity? Zoe was more attached to him than her friends.

Teddy couldn't help but smirk as he wondered what her friends would do if Teddy showed up at Zoe's party and they could do nothing but watch her stick to his side. That would definitely come as a shock to most of them, surely. Teddy would be amused, not only knowing but also witnessing Zoe's neglect towards her friends with him around. He couldn't stop the grin on his face when he thought about it. They had no idea just how smitten Zoe was.

Maybe, if he went, he could show off their little relationship and freak them all out. Chuck, especially.

But, when the night came, Teddy could feel his heart race as his shoulders uncomfortably locked from his intense amount of nerves. He had never been to a high school party. Mostly, because he hated all the people he went to high school with. He couldn't imagine this going well. Teddy could only imagine all the people in the house in front of him that would try to push his buttons. He could only imagine all the dirty glares and lingering eyes as they all judged him for showing up. After all, everyone knew he didn't belong at one of their parties.

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