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Teddy couldn't stop thinking all day long. His mind was racing, and had been for days at this point. Zoe. She was all he could think about. Not in a necessarily romantic way. Sexual, yes, or sometimes.. But he knew he wasn't thinking about her because he was in love with her. It was just her that had triggered so many of his thoughts. They weren't about her, she just invoked them.

Like, he wanted to lose his virginity. Fantasizing about Zoe made Teddy suddenly nervous about the day that he'd give up his virginity. He wasn't worried about giving his virginity to Zoe in particular. But, if he was going to have sex with a girl, he wanted to do it right. It might be hard to get it right the first time, which is why he wanted to get it over with. How could he have fun and do it right when he never had before?

"Jarrod.." Teddy blurted from underneath the car he was working in.

"Yeah?" He grunted from underneath another.

"Does Kim still babysit for you?" Teddy asked.

The sound of Jarrod's tools against the inter workings of the car he was working on stopped. Teddy sighed when he heard the wheels of his creeper scurry out from under the car he was working on. Teddy knew the signal so all he could do was push out from under his car to lay perpendicular with Jarrod. They both sat and turned to each other, resting on one elbow and exchanging challenging looks.

"Why do you want to know? You want her number? You regret rejecting her when she came in last time?" Jarrod scoffed and shook his head. "I admit, it was weird seeing our babysitter flirt right in front of me but she's a really nice girl. I don't know how I would go giving her number to you though. I mean, I imagine I should ask her before I randomly hand out her number."

"Jesus, you talk a lot." Teddy wiped his sweaty forehead with his arm. He was a bit taken aback by Jarrod's rambling but it was partially a good thing. He caught on easily so Teddy didn't really have to explain himself. "Can't you just give me her number?"

"I'll ask Kim first, alright? It's been a couple months since she hit on you. Maybe you missed your window and she's not interested, nor wants you to have her number anymore." Jarrod chuckled.

Teddy rolled his eyes and laid back on his creeper to return under the car he was working on.


"Awh! Zo! What happened to the cute onesie?" Howl whined as he tugged on the tail attached to Zoe's costume.

Zoe spun around and smiled at Howl. "I had to change to match the girls. But, don't you like this too?" Zoe posed in her Playboy one piece that hugged her figure.

Howl snorted a laugh. "Sure, Zo. Personally, I like the cute style but I'm sure I can think of someone that'd love to see you in that outfit."

"What does that mean?" Zoe asked, genuinely confused by Howl's unclear implications.

"We need a picture of us together." Howl looked around the busy party in search of someone useful. "Van, would you do the honors?"

Vanessa looked suspiciously towards Howl as he jutted his phone towards her. Her and Howl didn't usually talk so she was confused as to what he wanted from her, until she spotted Zoe beside him. Zoe had already surprised Vanessa when she was caught hanging out with Teddy, which meant Howl wasn't the least of her worries. Howl got along with a lot of different people, Teddy on the other hand...

Reluctantly, Vanessa got up from the island stool in Stacy's kitchen to take the picture. She had to slightly adjust the skirt of her costume since it always shifted funny when she was sitting or walking. Zoe liked Vanessa's costume, but mostly because it was a sly way of her matching costumes with Abigail. Vanessa wore the green cheer uniform with Clovers on the front and Abigail wore the red on with RCH on the front. Couples costume or coincidence?

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