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    Teddy made his way through the hallways, keeping his eyes looking straight ahead no matter who gave him dirty glares. With headphones in his ears, he couldn't hear the star football player call out to him in an attempt to start an argument. Teddy made a sharp turn into the library and trotted through to get to his table in the back corner. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw someone sitting at his table with their head rested on the arms.

Some blonde girl had fallen asleep in the library, at his table. That's one of the oddest things to happen in this library thus far.

Teddy quietly made his way towards the girl and as he got closer, he realized who it was. His face instantly contorted in confusion and annoyance as he looked at Zoe sound asleep in his spot. He stood beside her and stared down at her, wondering where she had appeared from.

Zoe had disappeared for days without telling a single soul and had reappeared out of thin air. Teddy had to listen to nearly every single one of his classmates ask each other where Zoe was so he wondered how he hadn't heard anyone announce her arrival. He imagined the school would've put together a parade when she got back.

Teddy pulled his hands out of his pockets, plucking one headphone out with one hand as he waved the other in front of Zoe's face to test if she were really asleep. Pulling the other headphone out, he leant slightly closer and studied her. She looked so peaceful when she slept. Her eyelashes were long and rested gently on her high cheekbones. Long, golden locks cascaded over her shoulders, her back, and across the table as she laid her head on her arms.

"Hey!" Teddy abruptly kicked the leg of Zoe's chair but she didn't move a muscle. She simply breathed. "You're in my seat."

Zoe was awake but she didn't want to move. She wasn't ready yet. Just a couple more minutes.

When Zoe slipped into school this morning, she was shocked to see a surprising number of photos from her Dior photo shoot taped all around the school. Admittedly, Zoe was extremely uncomfortable and had no idea what to do. So she ran to the library, figuring Teddy was bound to come to this table by lunch, like he always did.

Zoe decided she'd get away from everyone by sleeping next to him until she knew what to do. Nobody bothered him when he was studying and nobody would expect Zoe to be sleeping next to him. Nobody even knew she was here anyways so why would they ever check here?

Teddy pulled out the chair beside her and sat down. Tugging his textbooks out of his backpack, he let them slip from his fingers and slam against the table. Zoe, along with the librarian, slightly flinched. The corner of Teddy's lips curled as he confirmed that Zoe wasn't actually asleep. He just didn't know why she was still here and refusing to wake up. Maybe she was embarrassed that he had caught her sleeping here and wanted him to leave so she could wake up.

If that was the case, Teddy would happily set up camp here and dive into studying. She couldn't act asleep forever.

And just like always, Teddy began his daily routine of studying and eating his lunch salad. Zoe sat quietly beside him and listened to his pencil scratching his paper, his teeth grinding leaves, and him swiftly turning pages. It was soothing, surprisingly enough.

Having someone beside her but not having to deliver a forced personality or conversation was nice. Zoe actually found it strange how much she enjoyed this. Teddy wasn't asking anything of her. Well, duh, she was asleep. But she knew he wouldn't even if she was awake. She found a strange sort of false security and comfort in Teddy for no primitive reason.

Zoe wanted to ask him why he was the only one that didn't demand answers out of her like the others. Since she moved here, she had been bombarded with questions about her life from her modeling career, her parents company, and all the amazing places she had been to. She thought, coming to a small town school, people wouldn't be interested in stuff like that. Boy, was she so terribly wrong.

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