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After a couple days, Zoe started to pick up a routine of eating her lunch quickly, engaging in little conversation with her friends before she rushing to the library. Chuck watched her inhale her food before waving goodbye and bolting down the hallway. Everyday, he grew more and more curious but the one time that he tried to follow her, she completely disappeared. He started wondering if she was actually an alien and that's why she was so beautiful and had the power of teleportation or something.

As Chuck got used to saying goodbye to Zoe during lunch, Teddy got used to her giant smile as she walked into the library. She would always collapse into the seat beside him and instantly begin staring at him with hearts in her eyes. Although Teddy decided he didn't mind her presence, her constant attention was a little overwhelming. He tried his best not to give into it, keeping his eyes only on his textbook and giving Zoe little to no replies.

Zoe didn't mind. She just liked being absorbed into Teddy's little bubble of being unbothered and unmasked. Sometimes she would complain about the little things her friends would say but she tried not to be negative the whole time. Teddy simply listened and nodded as he continued his schoolwork. Zoe tried to ask for help on her own work once but Teddy refused. He claimed he had to much to do and Zoe would be too difficult to teach.

"Don't you have a classroom full of people to smile at?" Teddy grumbled bitterly. Having Zoe's eyes on him for so long made him anxious and he couldn't help but be bitter sometimes.

"You said that yesterday. Do you hate my smile?" Zoe narrowed her eyes at the side of Teddy's head.

"Yes. It's incredibly obnoxious." Teddy answered plainly.

Zoe watched Teddy with a frown as he scribbled his notes into his notebook. A couple seconds of Zoe staring went by before she kicked the leg of Teddy's chair. "Hey Teddy."

When Teddy finally looked at her, Zoe had a huge grin from ear to ear that took up half of her face. She smiled so hard that her eyes were squeezed shut and her cheeks were insanely prominent. Teddy hated her smile, not because she wasn't beautiful, but because it was completely fake. He knew the demons that laid inside her and he knew the smile she flashed everyone was a mask. But the smile on her face now made him chuckle to himself.

Teddy quickly grabbed her nose and squeezed it, causing Zoe to cried out in pain as her smile faded into a painful frown. She rubbed her nose, her bottom lip jutted out in a pout. Teddy flashed a proud smirk and turned back to his books.

"Don't ever do that again. It was ugly." Teddy warned, his smirk soft as his mind floated elsewhere.

"Why don't you ever eat in the cafeteria?" Zoe suddenly blurted as she swung her legs under the table.

"I have too much to do." Teddy answered with a sigh.

Teddy didn't mind Zoe's company but he quickly learned that she asked a lot of questions and talked a lot. He didn't mind the talking part, he just didn't like answering her constant questions. Teddy was a closed book, he wasn't used to giving out information about himself. Which resorted to him giving vague answers and prompting Zoe to ask even more questions to get what she wanted. That never really worked.

"You go to the same school as everyone else that eats lunch. Don't they have just as much to do?" Zoe countered.

Teddy grimaced at Zoe's question but still didn't bother to look her way. "I have work after school. I can't do homework or study at home."

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