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Another TW: Mention of r*pe

I do want to clarify, there will be no r*pe. I don't want to scare you guys. I was considering it when this Brian idea popped into my head but that's not going to happen. It's just going to be a little dark is all...


I don't live in a real strict household so this isn't going to be my first day drinking liquor but I can at least do it legally now! The craziest part to me is that I'm posting the 59th chapter of this book on my 21st birthday after posting THE FIRST CHAPTER of this book 3 days after my 19th birthday!! LIKE WTF!!!???!! IVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS STORY FOR SO FUCKING LONG DUDE AND I STILL LOVE THIS STORY WITH MY WHOLE HEART!!!💗💗💗💗💗💗💗


"Every second with you I want another
But maybe we can hold off one sec
So we can keep this tension in check
But there's no way that it's not going there
With the way that we're looking at each other."


"Good morning, little fairy!" A cheerful voice rang out beside Zoe, who swiftly turned at the sound of that nickname. It was the same one she heard used plenty of times yesterday.

"Brian! Good morning to you as well!" Zoe greeted with an equally cheerful voice, although she didn't favor that nickname.

Zoe had been given a lot of nicknames over the years and Little Fairy was one of her least favorites. Brian didn't mean any harm by it, however. He just wanted to flirt, maybe even get in her pants, like everyone else. He was relentless in trying to earn her attention yesterday, filling her head with compliments and asking her questions with so much engagement in his eyes. He was a bit persistent but he was nice so Zoe entertained him, knowing he'd eventually give up when he realized she had no romantic interest in him.

Brian wasn't an unattractive man, either. That's not why she didn't like him. His shaggy blonde hair and charming features were nice to look at and the slight bags under his eyes that brought out his more haggard features didn't really hinder those good looks. Zoe did wonder why he looked so tired but she didn't ask. Brian looked like the athletic type, judging by his thick build and tall stature, so maybe he had worked himself a little too hard sometimes. He must be strong.

"Going skiing this morning?" Brian asked, specifically asking Zoe and not her friends.

Zoe glanced towards said friends, who looked disinterested in Brian or Zoe. Even yesterday, when Brian first interrupted their conversation, Zoe's friends completely dissociated themselves from her. There was a lingering tension in the air that let Zoe know that they were not happy with Brian's presence and she wasn't either, but she didn't have it in her to tell him to leave. Which meant, all Zoe could do was wallow in her guilt and fake a smile until Brian left.

"I am. We're here on a school trip, as I might've mentioned yesterday, so we want to get some skiing in before our teacher drags us away for a lecture this afternoon." Zoe politely explained.

Zoe, Courtney, Laura, Stacy, and a few others were all standing in line at the rental counter for skis, waiting for it to be their turn to get to the snowy hills. Students from Hudson were all over the resort this morning, in search of something fun to do before Mrs. Braverman gave them something studious to do this afternoon. Zoe, however, could tell this was going to be a very long trip with this Brian fellow following her around. It wouldn't be long before her friends got so annoyed that they simply left her behind to deal with him alone.

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