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• I'm Never Gonna Let You Close To Me. Even Though, You Mean The Most To Me.
'Cause Every Time I Open Up, It Hurts.
So, I'm Never Get Too Close To You. Even When I Mean The Most To You.
In Case You Go And Leave Me In The Dirt. •


"Hey!" Howl slapped Garrett upside the head as he approached from behind him. Garrett flinched but didn't give Howl much reaction. "Where's Fisher?"

When Howl walked around the party to try and find out what Zoe was hiding from him, the only thing he could think of was Fisher. She was there when he caught Fisher making out with someone in the bathroom, she was there during the fight in the gym, and Teddy even informed him that Zoe was worried about Fisher. He had an idea as to what the kid was sneaking around doing but, he didn't want to believe it. Fisher wouldn't do that to him.

"I don't know. He ditched me to talk to some guy.." Garrett carelessly looked around and shrugged. "Last I saw him, he was in the kitchen."

"Some guy?" Howl's jaw and shoulders tensed. "Who was it?"

"I don't know. I don't think he goes to our school because I've never seen him." Garrett answered.

Howl's mind instantly went back to the Halloween party. It couldn't have been the same kid. The kid Fisher was willingly making out with at the party wasn't from their school. It was like he wanted to get caught all over again. Did he set this up? He had to have if he was having Zoe keep his secret. This wasn't just some guy he found at the party, was it? What a moron Fisher was to trust in Zoe to keep her mouth shut. It was like he wanted to get caught all over again.

"Well, I was just in the kitchen and he's not in there so-" Howl grabbed Garrett's shirt and forced him out of his seat. "Find him."

"Fuck no! Find him yourself!" Garrett escaped Howl's grip and glared at him as he raised his cup to his mouth.

Howl scowled at the red solo cup in Garrett's hand, his anger boiling and festering under his skin. He couldn't help himself from squeezing the bottom of Garrett's cup to make everything inside it explode in his face. Garrett jumped and gasped as the liquor in his cup splashed his face and soaked his shirt. Howl didn't have the patience to be denied of anything right now. He never did when it came to Fisher.

Howl didn't like people playing with his things.

"Fuck!" Garrett growled as he looked down at his shirt. He was about to curse out Howl before he cut him off.

"Does your brother know you're here?" Howl casually asked, his eyes narrow and threatening as his hands found purchase in the pockets of his jeans.

Garrett's twisted and angry expression faltered as his body relaxed. He didn't want to help Howl after his rude behavior but, since he knew his brother pretty closely, he couldn't really refuse him. Howl always had some kind of shit to hold over peoples head, which was something he was good at after all of his classmates held his sexuality over his head in middle school. He knew the routine at this point.

"Did you check the basement?" Garrett begrudgingly asked as he wiped his face with his shirt.

"No." Howl answered.

Garrett rolled his eyes and aggressively set down his empty cup to start through the crowd in the house. "Why don't we check there, then?"

Howl followed Garrett through the house, keeping his eyes on the crowd incase they passed Fisher on their way. Howl had been to Joseph's house before, for a couple parties, so he knew his way around. Even Fisher had been here. But, the last time he was, it was the night they met. If Fisher was in Joseph's basement, where they kissed each other for the first time, with another boy, Howl couldn't imagine how he'd feel.

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