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The office was usually a pretty quiet space in the mornings. Some people were quietly taking calls, others eating a quick breakfast, and the rest were simply typing away on their computers. Ezra was busy reading emails with his head in his hand. He was watching it all fall apart. Ezra still had his business and his employees but, he wouldn't have either for very long if his clients and business partners kept hopping ship. It was all crumbling, just like Mrs. Rin Yang had promised. He felt like he was cursed.

Little did Ezra know, Rin Yang wasn't done with him yet. He couldn't hear the sound of the elevator chime or the clacking of her high heels from his office yet, a sudden chill ran up his spine. Karma was approaching. Again.

"Oh, hello! Welcome!" The secretary anxiously stood up from the front desk as she watched two women in sharp, black suits emerge from the elevator. "Are you here to see Mr. Zaki? Do you have a meeting with him this evening?"

Rin's eyes met the secretary's as she continued to strut forward and, like Medusa, the secretary went stiff and speechless. Glancing into Rin's eyes when she was out for vengeance was like being slashed with a sharp blade that was dipped in a paralyzing poison. after all, the woman looked like some kind of serpent that could unhinge her jaw and swallow someone whole. Rin used her threatening aura to pass the secretary without any further questions and and venture further into the offices of Ezra Zaki's company.

Just as Rin's eyes shifted off of the secretary, she pulled her black and white scarf over her mouth and nose to stay hidden from the others. Without looking up, too nervous to face someone willfully subjected to this attack, Zoe did the same. The secretaries instinct to keep her mouth shut was quickly validated as big men in black suits, black scarves over their faces, and assault rifles in their hands rushed out of the elevator and followed Rin and Zoe inside.

One henchmen stayed behind to point a gun at the secretary and demand she sit and not move as another stopped the elevator from functioning and allowing anyone else up here. Rin wasn't going to leave any blind spots in her wake, even for the smallest events. She was not a weak woman and could surely handle any unexpected situation herself but, if she had the power to stay completely guarded, she would. It only made sense.

Rin and Zoe strutted into Ezra Zaki's main office space, that was nearly blinding since it was all white with silver accents and bright lights hanging over the room, and looked around the space at all the employees at crowded desks between them and Mr. Zaki. There were clusters of desks all around the huge office and Ezra Zaki's office was all the way at the other end, surrounded in glass. He hadn't Rin and Zoe yet, but the others sure had.

Rin kept her eyes forward and planted on the man sitting in his office across the room as she raised her hand and snapped her fingers. That certainly would get his attention because, right as Rin did so, her henchmen raced forward and scattered around the office with their rifles drawn at the employees around the room. It caused a bit of panic, sure, but her henchmen were trained. They knew how to confiscate phones and pin people in place without actually causing any harm and still holding agency over the situation.

Zoe waited as long as she could until she took her handgun out but, after Rin summoned her henchmen, she pulled hers out so, Zoe did as well. It was game time.

Ezra looked up when the commotion started, intrigued by the amount of bodies he was seeing in his peripheral. When he spotted men with huge guns and scarves over their faces, he hopped out of his seat and watched them all rush and surround his employees. They seemed to quietly threaten his employees until they hung up their phone calls and stepped away from their desks. Nobody was shot yet, though, so this obviously wasn't an execution.

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