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    "I found her! I found her!"

Teddy stumbled a step to the side as someone shoved him out of their way. It was a short girl, one of his fellow classmates, shoving through people to get to her friends that were walking down the hallway directly in front of Teddy. He scowled at the back of their heads as they all leaned in to look at the girl's phone. He would have stepped out of their path just to get away from them if these hallways weren't so congested. For a such a small school, they had way too many students.

"Zoe Yang arrives at France airport and is seen in front of Dior studios minutes after. Looks like Dior found their next young and beautiful spokesperson." The girl spoke as if she was reading from something, although, Teddy couldn't see what they were looking at.

The girl to her left gasped. "Dior?! Zoe is modeling for Dior?"

"Why didn't she say anything before she left?" The other exclaimed.

Teddy cocked an eyebrow as he continued to trudge behind them. Probably, because you would've asked to go with. Teddy silently retorted.

"Look, look, look! There's a whole article that was just released." The girls leaned in even closer. "After Dior's recent search for youthful beauty to add to their next campaign, Zoe Yang was personally chosen and will now be featured in their magazine and commercials that will air all around to the world to promote the product. Our paparazzi managed to catch Yang at the airport among her arrival and she shared a few words with us. "My modeling career has been very limited until recently so getting a chance like this is very exciting." She says. "I'm at an age now where high-fashion companies are finally accepting me and I'm very happy, as well as grateful." Oh my god, I'm so jealous."

"I wish I had her number. I would be blowing up her phone right now, asking her where she was and what it was like to model for Dior..." One of the girls groaned with a certain sadness behind it, as if she were so jealous that she was suddenly emotionally distraught.

Teddy rolled his eyes as he finally reached his class. No wonder Zoe miraculously disappeared without telling anyone. They'd all bug the hell out of her when she was trying to work. Why would she need her small town friends blowing up her phone when she has paparazzi annoying her just as much as they would?

Teddy shook his head of any Zoe's thoughts, deciding that wasn't important. He simply slumped into his seat and pulled out his books from his backpack as the bell rang.


"We're having trouble so we've decided to come straight to the art for advice on the art." Some spoke as the stepped partially in front of Zoe's view of the mirror she was sat at as she got her make up done.

Zoe's eyebrows perked up in curiosity at this random males statement. He gestured behind her and a moment later, the make up artist stopped applying her highlight. Zoe spun in her chair to see two people holding up large standup posters on metal stands, two in each arm. All four posters were from the photoshoot Zoe had done a couple months ago with Dior.

"We need two out front and two inside. We can't decide which ones will draw people in and which ones will make them stay. You're so gorgeous, all five of us on the staging team couldn't pick." The man explained, shooting Zoe a smirk as she happily reflected.

"Well, thank you. That's very sweet of you." Zoe beamed happily at him and turned back to the posters.

Zoe stared at the four posters for a moment before deciding. She picked her two favorites to go outside, since passerby's and paparazzi would be seeing those. Only the people allowed into the store would see the other two, and that number was much smaller than the amount of people stuck outside. The man who asked for her input thanked Zoe and kissed her cheek before scurrying off with his team and the large posters. Her stylist grabbed the back of her chair and turned her back towards the mirror.

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