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What started out as a simple altercation
Turned into a real sticky situation
Me just thinking on the time that I'm facing
Makes me wanna cry

Teddy, Zoe, Rin, and her three Hives were all stuffed into one van. Their seats were facing inwards—towards each other— again, which Teddy realized was a certain Sensation model that Rin used for all of her henchmen. He wondered if she liked taking these cars because she could keep an eye on everybody. Nothing could happen behind her back when she could see everybody in the car, besides the two Hives in the front seats that were blocked off by a divider. They were Hives, though. Rin probably trusted them with her life, as they would probably give up theirs for hers.

It didn't matter if Rin's back was turned to Teddy and Zoe or not because there was a Hive right between them. He was big and intrusive, trapping Teddy and Zoe on the edge of their seats with his broad shoulders. Teddy was uncomfortable but he was even more irritated with the fact that the guy was squishing Zoe. She would get a bruise if she was pressed up against the car as much as Teddy was. She had to be uncomfortable. The guy's hand was too close to her thigh and she was wearing a skirt too.

There was so much about this seating arrangement that was putting Teddy on edge. At least his focus on Zoe was keeping his mind off of the situation they were currently rushing into.

"Ugh..." Rin bitterly scoffed as the car came rolling to a stop, her gaze directed out the window. "Animals.."

Teddy leaned forward to look past the giant Hive next to him and realized they were parked in front of a big house lit up in the darkness. The garage was level with the street but the rest of the house was on top of it and stretched over a hill. In the open, lit up garage, a collection of men were gathered around a small fire pit with beers and cigarettes in hand. There were about six of them, almost dressed like Rin's men but with a bit more street style, and chatting idly together as they bickered and teased one another.

"I am so glad my boys have more class than those sloppy morons." Rin cooed as she turned to the Hive sitting next to her and squished his face in her hand. "You make me so proud, puppy."

The man beside Rin grinned at her praise, the expression contorted by the way Rin was holding his face. Teddy frowned in disgust, wondering just what kind of relationship Rin really had with her Hives. He also wondered about their mental state. They couldn't possibly be sane human beings. Teddy tried not to think about it too hard since the toxic bdsm images flashing through his head sent a chill up his spine.

Luckily, Zoe grabbed Teddy's attention when she whispered under her breath, "this is Mr. Graham's house.. Ezra's really here.."

"Unfortunately.." Rin muttered and raised a small, custom made walkie-talkie to her mouth, which looked more like a larger version of the face of a fancy watch, and said, "Mel, sweetheart, how's the security system looking?"

"Two more minutes, Ma'am. Unfortunately, it looks like they have a human security system as well as a digital one. I can't shut those men down like I can the cameras," A feminine voice said through the walkie-talkie.

"Don't worry about the men. Just do your thing. Tell me when everything's down and I'll take the reins," Rin replied.

Everyone waited idly in their seats, staring at the house and men inside the garage. They looked very relaxed for a team of security personal, if that's what they were at all. Teddy tried to make out their faces but they were too far for his eyes. The other vans rolled to a stop behind them, quiet and slow, as to not catch the attention of the men in the garage.

"It's a go, Ma'am," The same voice, Mel's voice, chimed through the walkie.

"Thank you, sweetheart. Cerberus and my boys approach first. Nobody else move until ordered," Rin commanded through the walkie.

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