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Day Twelve. (Continued)
*Busy day, huh?😅*

"So.." Howl glanced towards the kid sat beside him on the top of the bleachers. Teddy didn't turn to him as he relaxed against the wall, his hands in his pockets and eyes on the loud pep rally happening below. "What are you doing for Christmas?"

Teddy was completely void of any emotions as he shook his head, causing it to roll lazily against the wall. "Waiting for it to end."

Howl frowned as he averted his attention to watch the pep rally again. It wasn't all that entertaining but Fisher was going to be a part of a Guys & Girls Dance so Howl was, a least, paying attention. And he wasn't so sure Teddy was paying attention, even if he was staring at the center of the gymnasium. He looked like he was trapped in his head, like he had been yesterday and all last week. The closer it got to the anniversary of Teddy's mother's death, the further Teddy was slipping away.

"You can come over." Howl offered as he looked at Teddy again. "For Christmas. Even spend the night again if you'd like."

Teddy's black, bloodshot eyes finally found Howl's face as he stared at him with the slightest narrow in his eyes. "I might actually take you up on that offer. I don't want to be around anybody right now but, I'm also drowning in loneliness."

"I know. I understand. I'll keep you company, Teddy, if that's what you need." Howl woefully smirked, feeling a bit relieved that Teddy had considered his offer. He wanted to look out for Teddy but also give him the space he needed.

One of the seniors hosting this pep rally finally announced the Guys & Girls Dance and Howl sat up to clap and holler with the rest of the school that had all crammed into the gymnasium. Five boys and five girls from every grade rushed to the center of the gymnasium, friends and siblings in the crowd shouting to support whoever was in the dance. Howl watched with a smile as Fisher stood beside Courtney and looked around all the bleachers for Howl.

When Fisher did finally spot Howl at the top of the bleachers, a smile spread across his face and he raised his hand high in the air to wave. Howl chuckled and waved back, feeling an unfamiliar sense of warmth and joy at Fisher's cheerful greeting.

After Howl came back from that nightclub and told Fisher all about Brett's make out session with a kid that had also snuck in, Fisher had been a lot warmer towards Howl. Admittedly, Fisher trusted that Howl was telling the truth and hadn't touched Brett. When Howl swore he was done with the guy, he wasn't lying. They hated each other anyways so, if Fisher would believe that, he had to believe that they would be done when they said they were done. That made Fisher feel like he could actually be in a relationship with Howl now. After all, he did really, really like Howl.

When the music started, Fisher began dancing in sync with the rest of the crowd around him. Howl grinned from ear to ear, keeping his eyes strictly on the innocent little brunette. Fisher seemed to be having a good time and he had a natural stage presence that made Howl very proud. Even Teddy couldn't help but crack a smile when Fisher pulled off the purposefully embarrassing and cringe-inducing dance moves.

By the time the performance was over, Howl was standing, clapping, and hollering louder than anyone else. Teddy slowly stood and clapped as well, a hint of a smile still on his very tired features. Fisher flashed Howl a smile, not failing to realize Teddy was also giving him a standing ovation. Howl and Teddy didn't bother to sit until the dancers were jogging away from the center of the gym to make room for whatever was next.

Howl glanced at Teddy as they settled beside each other, his eyes lingering for a moment as he tried to read him. There was something about Teddy that Howl just couldn't decode. He looked like a troll trying to hide himself from the world as some kind of dark force dragged him to hell and, yet, he was smiling and he seemed content and relaxed. It felt like he was dying and savoring his last moments on this earth until he finally keeled over.

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