What would you do?

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I sit here wondering

If you ever regret

Destroying that child

Do you stay up at night

Wishing you did different

Or do you not think about it

I saw that child go through

Everything under the sun

I saw the child, so tortured

No knowing how to love

Only knowing how to hate

Hating everything and everyone

Reaching out for help

Yet none would come

Rejected time and time again

Then the child stopped trying

Then the child slowly started dying

Irritating everything to just to feel something

This child grew up with no emotion

On its pure adolescent face

This child lived no life                    

Not knowing any kind of beauty or grace

Strong as an ox and cold to the bone

All this kid ever wanted was a home

Dragging on day by day

Killing themselves without regret

Pills, alcohol, drugs, wildly crazy stunts

This child had done it all

Trying to find out how to live

While wishing they wouldn’t

Eventually this child started harming

In more ways than one or two

Burns, long thick scars, bruises

Could be found on this child’s skin

Never stuck around long enough

For someone to care and ask why

One thing lead to another

Nothing was working

Not the blood or booze

Then the child started to starve

Starving their body, their mind, and soul

All in common with one goal

This child hit 16, and spent the day away

Now this neglected child was on its own

Hoping from couch to couch

Not knowing what to do

Not knowing where to go

This child was truly alone

No money, no food, no family, and no friends

This child stole from a store only once

Because that’s all that it took

To get what was needed

With the object in hand

The child swallowed them whole

Only to wake up and find failure

No big epiphany or reunion

There was nothing but disappointment

This was the child’s last hope

This was this child’s last chance

To finally be rid of this misery

Swallowing a box of razor blades

Had nothing left to claim for this kid

This child tried everything

From the moon all the way to the stars

Just to try and find a feeling

Some sort of hope or longing

Just something….

Something to hold on to

Something to look forward to

But the efforts went down in razor blades

Coughing up blood as it choked the child

On its way down ripping and shredding

This child needed to wake up from this nightmare

This child was broken, beaten, and not at all scared

Only welcoming one thing that they had wanted their entire life

This one thing was to say goodbye to the world

To be left behind to disappear into the ground

To melt and evaporate in their own misery

So I sit here and wonder about it

This is me asking the mother

Do you regret it

Neglecting, beating, abusing

Something you gave life to

And of course she said nothing at all

She refused to answer

That one question that hurt the most

But the mother could never

Feel the same pain and torture

Her child had went through

Not even if she was burned at the stake

This child now lives to this very day

Now grown older, but wiser

Standing here before all of you

Now here is something to think about

If you went through the same things

Over and over every time you close your eyes

What would you do?

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