Shakespearean Sonnet

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A/N: This the first piece of poetry I ever wrote. Even though it is different from what I write now, I appreciate where I began, and how much I grown as a writer and an individual since this piece. I hope you enjoy.

Shakespearean Sonnet

Blackness, emptiness, surrounds my being

Burning, bleeding only on the inside

I really don't know the mean

There will be nowhere safe for my soul to abide

I don't like this monster I've become

My life draining before their eyes

My heart beating like a drum

Pain, agony no matter how long I look to the skies

Watching, waiting for not to be numb

Dizzy from this pain

It seems like in the only one

No happiness to be gained

I look in that mirror, no reflection

All I realize now is, this rejection.

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