Generation O.

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I just wrote this yesterday morning/night let me know what you think!

Stand, speak, or listen

We are the new foundation

We can crack, we can crumble

I admit we will sometimes fumble

But we still stand, we still speak

And you will listen

Stop, closed eyes, and breathe

There are many thing we'll achieve

Holding the gold, silver, or bronze

Yeah, we still got it going on

Just stop, and close your eyes

Don't forget to finally breathe

Snow, wind or rain

We are not the same

Compare and contrast

The scales will not last

Either in the snow or wind

We are not afraid of a little rain

Quiet, strong, and proud

A single voice is always loud

Echoes bounce off the wall

One it takes, to start it all

Quiet, yet we will stay strong

And we will be forever proud

Whispers, shouts, or screams

We will show you what we mean

Tied tongues behind our backs

Knots become undone, death tax

Whispers so soft, and roaring shouts

You won't see us, but you'll hear our scream

Stand, speak, or listen

We are young and driven

Stop, closed eyes, and breathe

You'll be surprised what's underneath

Snow, wind or rain

You will recognize our vein

Quiet, strong, and proud

Our minds vigorously endowed

Whispers, shouts, or scream

We will endlessly be esteemed

We are the foundation

Of our own new generation

We are everything, the creation

Changing the stagnant vibration

Starting a revolutionary orientation

There is no such thing as cultivation

Searching only for our own escalation

This is our final and last dedication

Handing down our own formation

To the lives of our next generation

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