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  I'm walking in this rain

Trying to wash away this pain

Wondering why things must change

There isn't anything left for them to gain

  They took away my everything

Taking away my ability to sing

Because nobody was really listening

They left me hanging here by a string

  Letting the rain pelt onto my face

Riding myself of this disgrace

Wishing that I could just be erased

My soul will be forever be misplaced

  The cooling water rushing past my lips

Letting my life play out like a movie script

Living one after another the plot twists

I'm forever waiting for my lunar eclipse

  Sitting in the rain, the clock strikes at midnight

It echoes in my head, saying it's not alright

Tearing myself from the inside from fright

I'm loosing myself, I'm loosing my sight

  I feel the water soak into my baggy clothes

My body is numb, long over froze

I laugh at the thought that nobody knows

I never dare let any of this pain ever show

  I hear the pitter-patter in my deaf ears

It seems that nothing anymore is clear

The only solid thoughts are me to disappear

Not letting anyone, not a single soul to interfere

  I grip my soaked sleeves in my cold hands

I wonder why can't anybody understand

That I just want my existence to disband

Into the nothingness of no man's land

  Looking up the the windy grey covered sky

I let one last tear escape my left eye

I've always just asked my self why

Why can't they just let myself die

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