State Your Claim

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Here is a newer one I wrote a few days ago, enjoy!! :)

I am not broken, I am damaged

I am not shattered, I am distorted

I am not chipped, I am damned

I am not a little loose, I am the screw that has fallen.

And I fell so hard that when I hit the ground,

I busted out all of my teeth,

and choked on the shards of my own calcium.

I laid there bleeding.

Struggling to breathe.

And here is where I reside,

Off the deep end that seems,

like the harder I try,

the father I fall.

Swallowing more and more,

Shattered bones in my wake.

Forever, gurgling on my own blood,

To speak of your name.

It was you that did this to me,

Now state your claim.

State your claim.

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