Is It Worth It?

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The moment

That you think to yourself

Closing yourself up tight

Shutting out the outside world

All alone in that one moment

You think to yourself

Everything that ever hurt

Every pain you ever felt

Stuck on an endless reply

Over and over mocking you

Every disappointment

Every time you were scolded

Every hurtful word you said

Every hateful slur yelled to you

Every time you begged them to stop

Every time you begged to voices to stop

In this moment

All alone inside your head

You ask yourself

Is it worth it?

Is it truly worth it?

All the hate

All the anger

All the mockery

All the disappointments

All the sleepless nights

All the tears

All the silent screams

All of the hurt

All the pain....

Is it worth it

Is this worth it?

You want to say yes so much

But deep down you know you have to say no

Because in this moment you are not alive

You are not alive yet your lungs expand

Your heart beasts at an irregular pace

Your eyes roll from the back of your head

Your teeth chatter and biting your lip holding on

Your hands shake in anticipation of what's to come

You are not alive, yet you are not dead

In this moment we find the sweet nirvana

In between these two worlds of our own

Life and death

Is it worth it

You want to say yes so bad, but are forced to say no.

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