(The demon inside)

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In her heart she knew she was being deceived

But all she could do was only believe

They loaned her the world, anything she could achieve

But she had a few tricks up her own sleeve

They watched as she danced, putting them all in a trance

She faked a smile, if only they gave her a second chance

They tried to trick her and trade her for a cheap romance

She screamed and fraught as they tore off her pants

Only if they saw what was about to be done

She smiled and laughed, she knew she had won

They stared at the fit of laughter thinking, what was so fun

It was too late once they realized it, they were stunned

She started bleeding from her mouth, she bled from her eyes

They didn't know what to do, they all were surprised

It was all over now, she started to play with her prize

She ripped off ones head, the others watched in horror as their friend bled

She snickered and grinned, as the tears that weren't blood started to shed

They couldn't move they were frozen, but one got up and fled

That one she was going to save for last, after the others were dead

Limbs were torn, hearts ripped out, she twitched and turned

She used them a test subjects, she was careful to watch and learn

She watched them scream, she watched the bodies squirm

When she was done her lips were like a line, they were firm

Her eyes rimmed with red, this is what they deserved

The duty was done, her time was served

Then everything started to change, the whole world curved

They put her in handcuffs, she was numb she didn't say a word

She dared not to try and fight

Now knowing she would be alright

She was free, no demons in sight

She got it back, her once peaceful life

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