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A/N: This was written on a whim in the wee hours of the morning. It was a spur of the moment thing . I thought others could relate to this, so I decided to post it.

As I think

All alone

With no one around

My mind travels

From one side

To the other

To the past

And regrettably

To the future

To be honest

The future

My future

Scares the sh*t out of me

Knowing what I know

What I will do

The concepts

Of this life

Confuse the hell out of me

You spend

All your life


For something

That you're

Going to be

Forged into

A mold

A mold called society

Then you

Apply to


And they judge you

Tell you

if your good enough

For their standards

Even though you trained all you life

For this one moment

You just might not make it

Why do we do this

Torture ourselves

For what reason

Do we live by this sorrow

For the money

That only exists

In our world

In our culture

Its value is put before

Everything and everyone

Being sold and bought

Then thrown away

For a later date

We fight

We forgive

Then the cycle begins again

Well I don't want to be

Stuck in this culture

Where colored paper

Is more valued than the lives

We place it on

Wasting it

Killing ourselves

For something so

So worthless

The future

Honestly it scares me

Raised and bred

To believe

That money

Is everything

That there is no room

For humanly emotions

Not anymore

Emotions don't exist

The human heart Doesn't Exist

The human soul DOESEN'T exist

That I don't exist

Is it bad that

I don't want to be

A doctor

A lawyer

A mechanic

A house wife

In the NBA

In a magazine

On television

Or all that fad

I don't want to be

Just an artist

Or known for

What I can gain

I want to hold on

I want to fight

For myself

And figure out

Just exactly

Who and what

I truly am

This life

Is hard enough


All of that pressure

Placed upon us all

Is it bad that

I just want

To simply exists?

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