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It all started with three little words

Little words that she had yet ever heard

Until you opened your big fat mouth

And after that everything about her went south

She slowly but surely just stopped eating

She slowly but surely stopped believing

She started to see herself in a twisted light

She started to hurt herself, almost ending her life

You watched her as your words made her fall

You watched her give her everything, her all

Her friends fought with her to keep her alive

While she fought with herself trying to die

She now hated herself from her head to her toes

You never were there to wipe the tears off her nose

Three little words that is all it took

Now you wont dare to see what you did, not even a look

Slipping down the slippery slope, she fell

Into her very own mind, her very own hell

She cried every night and smiled all day

But she couldn't bring out the right words to say

She faked every laugh and every smile

But it doesn't last but only for awhile

She hides every drop of her broken tears

But you didn't know that it would last for years

Eventually it consumed her, she is shrinking

She moves like a robot, no longer thinking

Doesn't even put up any sort of fight

Because she just wanted to end her life

You didn't know that those words would kill her

Your carelessness made her stomach stir

The way she looked up to you, as you pushed her down

The way she did everything for you, while you ordered her around

Now that's long gone, because she is over

Well now it is exactly what you bestowed her

You killed with just a few words off of you tongue

Forever she smiles, in spite what her father has done

Enter Thy MindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora