"Stumbled into a Dress"

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Once upon a time, there was a girl who stumbled into a dress.

Though her true self was flawless, her hair was up, a bun in a mess.

She twirled up, she strolled down,

Across oceans and desserts without a sound

Her head was held high, but her self-esteem down low

Her smile would never allow it, not once, to show

But inside she crumbled, bit by bit, year by year

She build herself up, brick by brick, tear by tear

A wall between her flawless sparkling delight

And what she held within herself with all her might

Forcing it upon herself, a mask, she wore, everyday

Would always peel off and crack in dismay

She found out a way to cement the chips and cracks

It was with makeup and glitter, a piled on attack

She sunk herself in to a black hole

Bigger than the one that was in her soul

Deeper and deeper she had fell down

She buried herself till no one else was around

Perfecting herself for only others to see

But really she was drowning in a bittersweet blasphemy

Down down, the flawless girl had fell

Into her own mind, a unconscious hell

Critiquing herself from her head to down her toes

Hating what she saw all the way to her buttony nose

Little by little she grew into her facade

Her mask now strong and falsely brave

It grew and conformed into her a fearless heart

She wasn't just a master piece, but now a work of art

With braided hair no longer up in a mess of a bun

She twirled around having lots of disillusioned fun

Painting her face and showing no disgrace

She walked along at her own misguided pace

She caught the attention of everyone in the room

But soon all fun and games will become her doom

However little did she even know

How others' envies began to grow

A simple gathering if some sort, where it all had started

Where her mask was in full swing, her forgotten soul discarded

A glass or two, maybe three or four

How did she end up on the scuffed up floor

Her hair fell down against her bruised neck

Her seductive mask fell as she began to sweat

The room was spinning now, but without her moving

This girl so innocent, had the life of choosing

Others laughed when she began to cry

It was her fault they told her, it was her to decide

They hit, they hurt, they ripped, she screamed

Now of what more pain could they have to bring

Her body moved with her heart in tow

The darkness inside of her began to grow

Her beautiful eyes once so big and bright

Now were dull without a single sign of life

Pictures were spread faster than rumors were said

Her head hung low as she wanted to be dead

She only wanted to pretend to love herself

She laid on the floor screaming for help

Her darkest nightmares turned into her most beautiful dreams

Her reality slowly started slipping at the seams

She kept that dress locked up in a tied up box

To remind herself of what she had forever lost

From that day onward she bared it all

The stares, the groping, the horrible name calls

They whistled as she walked on by

Never giving them a second eye

She was done with herself, and all that she knew

But what she didn't know, is what began to grew

A new seed of light was planted behind her eyes

She surprised everyone who had denied

Turning her nightmares into hopes

She began to run and wished for an elope

She worked hard day and every night

To change herself an become a beacon of light

She transformed into something of the unknown

She poured blood, sweat, and tears into a new home

Pledging to herself that if her child ever grew

Everything about them, showered in love, they knew

She rearranged those thoughts inside of her head

Instead hating herself and the thought of her dead

She worked at herself, for herself

She no longer needed the hand she'd been dealt

She picked herself up with delicate hands

She help others like herself, because she understands

Teaching those who want to be taught

Of how to cope with these dark demented thoughts

From a decaying flower flew a seed

That grew into something nobody would believe

She overcame what overcome in her life

She now had four flawless kids and was now a wife





There once was a girl who stumbled into a dress

Her skin once paled, hair had fallen out, nails broken in stress

She hated herself and was trapped in a skit

It was once upon a time, wasn't it?

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