Different Devils

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 A/N: This was written in the middle of the night on a whim of a thought, and it ended up having a  deep meaning, more than I intended to. It was one of those poems that you get into so deep in writing you can't seem to stop.

  I am different as I can be

I am separated from society

I am myself, and only I am me

  They say I am beyond different to compare

The hate, yet they always have stared

I always sit alone with no one to share

  Others say that I'm pretty when obviously not

I don't see the world as they do, have they completely forgot

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, everything is shot

  Everything we do has always been subjective

Beauty is, subjective, what's a home, subjective

Who's nice, subjective, what is right is subjective

What is living subjective, society is subjective

  Saying life is unfair well I think their life truly isn't theirs

They live without dignity and without a single care

They curse the cruel world and live it like it's bare

  Hating each other always making a big war

Now it's life that always ends up torn

We're all roses in a way, born with different thorns

  Discriminating on such minuscule levels

We will never get ahead making others disheveled

While we are all the dealing with different devils

  Unity is what we need, but it always comes at a price

We make a treaty thinking that it is right

But we always seem to agree to disagreeing on sight

I've seen the world as gray instead of black 'n white

I say that society has twisted the beholder's sight

While I'm just here trying to declare my outcast life

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