Me, myself, never had a chance.

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You stood there screaming.Screaming at me. I took it all in. Patience. That's all it took.
While you let all what you wanted out. Pointing your crooked finger in my face.

Telling me, I'm loosing my mind.
I'm no good.
"That I already understood."
Can't see whats right in front of me.
"There is nothing left for me to see."
I'm running out of time.
"I'm not in a rush, nothing is sure what I'll find"
That I wont have a a good future.
"Who cares. You're the intruder."

Yelling in my face,But you don't know a thing.I cant be slipping.I cant be falling into the
abyss. Because I was already there. This is what you have yet to see. The real me.

I can't be loosing my mind.
I can't be running out of time.
I never had any of theses.
You see?
I can't loose something I never had.
Aren't you glad?
No worries you see?
So stop yelling at me.
Take a deep breath.
I'll lead you back a step.
I never had a clear mind.
I never had any time.
Me, myself, never had a chance.

I was born,
With my heart torn.
Black blood runs through these veins.
All I do is cause people pain.
I never have a second thought,
No matter what I was taught.
No guilty conscience.
No regrets.
I'm just waiting to take my last breath.
I don't care,
For other peoples' stare.
For you see,
This life.
This sick twisted dance.
I never had a chance.

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