Forty four

389 17 30

I step out of the steaming bathroom with my clean, wet hair cascading over my rewet shoulders. "It feels so nice to be clean." I speak to myself. Of course they let us shower each day. But for the time we were running from them... we didn't get a shower.

"Scarlet?" I hear a soft voice on the other side of my bedroom door. "Come in!" I yell, plopping down on my bed. The door opens and my eyes immediately make contact with Paisleys. Evelyn stands behind her, arms cross In front of her chest shyly.

"Hey losers!" I smile at them happily. My eyes go wide as I watch Paisleys eyes start glistening with unshed tears. "Pais?" I say her name as if it's a question of why she is crying.

"You were gone for so long... I didn't know if I'd ever see you again." As she speaks the tears in her eyes slid down her red cheeks. I stand up and walk towards her, immediately wrapping my arms around her as her body trembles.

"Your father wants to torture and kill Jared." Evelyn states. "Let him. Tell him to do the same to Dawson too." I let go of Paisley out of anger towards Dawson. "Where's Naomi?" I ask fearing she was fired.

"She's sleeping in her room." Evelyn replies. "She's been trying to get you and Dakota back ever since you were taken." Paisley speaks up, her voice still slightly weak. I feel a smile force it's way onto my face as my cheeks feel slightly warm. I had no idea she cares about me that much.

My eyes widen as I realize Loli isn't in my room anymore. Before my shower I had sat her on my bed... but now she isn't here.

"Where's Loli?!" I strengthen my voice to a yell as I frantically look around my room for her. "She went with Dakota to go eat cheese." Evelyn replies to me, stepping out of the doorway for me to make my way towards them.

"Thank you so much." I tell her as I step pass her, eager to find the girl I took away from her gang. As I turn a corner into a hallway I come face to face with my mother.

In a moments time she was already sobbing in my arms. I have a dumbfounded expression as she made the transition to boss wife to mourning mother in a half a second.

"" I hold her in my arms, her tears mixing in with the wetness of my hair. She separates from me but keeps her arms on my shoulders, looking over me as if she hasn't seen me in years.

"Your hair..." Her long fingers touch my hair. "A bitch cut it." I tell her. I've never had short hair before. This is her first time seeing a short look on me. "We should get someone to fix it up. Looks like whoever did it sucks at it." She sniffles as she wipes a tear from her eye. "Well she did cut it with a knife." I tell her.

She leans in again, wrapping her arms back around me, giving me a motherly squeeze. "We can catch up at dinner Scar. Right now I have something I need to attend to." She pulls away, giving me a genuine smile.

With that she walks around me, continuing her path. Loli. I keep her in my mind as I make my way down to the kitchen. Only stopping when I'm in the doorway, face to face with Dakota and Loli.

"Damn sexy. You look great." Dakota gives me a wink as he stuffs a cheese block in his mouth. "You're going to make yourself sick." I make a face at him as he struggles to keep the cheese in his mouth from the size of it. "Everyone is really nice here." Loli speaks up as she takes a sip of water in a clear cup.

"Did you meet my parents?" I ask her. "They said we could work something out." She answers, placing her cup down on the table.

"Scarlet." Dakota says my name as he finally swallows his cheese. "Yes cheese boy?" I turn my attention towards him. "I told Ella to set a dress on your bed at 5 pm. When she does it id like you to get in it and then go to the bar." He doesn't look at me as he says this. I nod, letting him know I'll do what he says.

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