Thirty three

222 13 12

Heyyyy. I just got my phone replaced so expect regular updates now

Chapter name: pain

She lifted up the rod above her head and twisted it around, slamming it against the right side of my rib cage. Intense pain filled up my body as it connected. I bit my lip and brought my hands into fists as it now hurt to breathe.

She brought it away from me again. Then brought it towards me, slamming it into my thigh. She then brought it away and did it several more times around my body. The pain was almost unbearable but I refused to give up. I will stay here and deal with this until I die.

"Maybe you should use the gun." I suggested, struggling to breathe from the hits against my rib cage. "Shut up bitch." She rolled her eyes at me and hit me in the kneecap. I held back my cries as I felt like she just broke my kneecap, it bent under me but I didn't fall from being held up by the handcuffs.

I looked at her as her eyes went up to my hair. "Go get me some scissors." She told the guys. X nodded and turned around, leaving me with Sahara and Rj. She dropped the rod onto the floor by my feet. It fell with a loud clang that echoed around the room. She put her hand on the top of my dress, getting a grip around it. She then yanked her hand down, ripping my dress. She ripped it down to where my belly button was, revealing my lace black bra.

"We left a little note to your father. So don't think he doesn't know where you are. Because he does. And if he doesn't come for you then we all know he doesn't actually want you." She started up. I nodded, not wanting to use my voice for pointless conversation with my torturer.

My attention turned towards X as he came back into the room with scissors in his hands. Sahara looked pleased and took the scissors from him. She then turned towards to me and took a handful of my hair, pulling it and pulling my head to where I was facing down. I closed my eyes as she roughly pulled, meaning to hurt me. Then I felt a release in the pulling. She had cut my hair. I heard the scissors against my hair as I watched pieces of pink fall to the floor. And then a big chunk of it fall.

Then she put the scissors to another section of my hair and began chopping away. Chunks of pink fell all around my feet as I stood there, helpless.

Soon she had dropped the scissors to the ground, on top of all the hair she hacked off. She put her hand on the remaining hair and pulled my face up to look at her. "Fucking hate pink." She studied me and my face until I saw a light go off in her eyes.

Her hand quickly went up to my hair and grabbed a small section, pulling on it. I felt pain as my hair was ripping out of my already tampered with skull. She forcefully ripped out piece after piece as tears streamed down my face from the pain of everything she's been doing to me.

I opened my eyes again when she had stopped. She obviously didn't pull out much, but it was still enough to hurt. "Your hair is literally all over me." She looked at her hands in disgust. "Deal with her Rj." Sahara demanded as she turned around and headed for the door.

Rj looked at me with satisfaction. "Let's go get lover boy." He looked at X. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I yelled at them in anger as I tried to yank my hands out of the cuffs but obviously failed.

"Shut the fuck up!" Rj responded as him And X left me alone in the room. I didn't know how he was going to show up. Would he be ok? Would he be unharmed? Would he be in just as much pain as I'm in? So many thoughts went through my head as I imagined him coming through the door.

Suddenly I perked up as I heard a thump and then I heard a grunt from what seemed like X. Meaning Dakota was fighting back. So many he is ok. Suddenly the door swung open and Dakota had blood on his hands. He shut the door behind him and locked it. He looked like he hadn't been touched yet. Aside from the mark on the forehead. He looked at me and his eyes went wide.

He immediately walked towards me and put his hand on my cheek as he whispered apologies to me. His other hand went up to my wrists. They had blood on them from being rubbed raw by the cuffs. "Fuck." He stated. I knew that if I jumped I could get them off of the hook, but I was already on my tippy toes to begin with.

He bent down and lifted me up I pulled the cuffs off of the rod that was keeping me up there. He sat me down as my hands immediately dropped. They were now numb from being up there for so long. As soon as we heard banging on the door I looked at Dakota in fear. Fear not because of what they will do to me. But fear of what they will do to Dakota.

"You have to find a way to get out of here." I whispered to him as tears fell down my cheeks. "No scarlet. I won't leave you. Ever." He pulled me close to him again, I laid my head on his chest, listening to his pounding heart.

I knew we wouldn't get out of here anytime soon. They were going to bust in here any minute and there's nothing we could do about it.

"Dakota...." Thinking of the question I was about to ask made my cheeks red and hot. It was definitely an inappropriate question I had but I couldn't help myself.

"Scarlet." He responded with my name, letting me know he heard me, letting me know he will listen to what I have to say. "Do you stay by my side because you... Yknow.... like me?" I asked, burying my face in his chest as I listened to yelling on the other side of the door.

"In what way?" He asked. "Romantically." I replied. I know he once didn't like me at all. But now it's a different time. And in a different situation. Clearly. "Yeah." He responded quietly. I little spark of hope arises in me.

"What about you?" He asked. As soon as his question was asked the door busted open with four people at it. "Yes." I responded as I looked at all four. X, Rj, Sahara, and what looked like Jared stood at the door. Dakotas arms wrapped around me tighter as Jared walked towards us. I didn't have my arms wrapped around him because of the cuffs.

X and Sahara had grabbed onto Dakota as Jared and Rj grabbed onto me, trying to pull us away from each other. Dakotas arms slipped and we were getting pulled further away from each other. To the other side of the room.

"Don't hurt him!" I begged as Jared and Rj forced my arms back up, picking me up and hanging me back on the rod. I watched as they put cuffs on Dakota and did the same to him. I felt a sting across my face, throwing my head to the side as Jared slapped me.

He then grabbed my face by my jaw and turned me to face him. "I have an offer for you." He looked angry. "I won't take any of your offers." I spat on his face. He looked displeased as he wiped it off and then punched my gut immediately after, without any sign he was going to do it.

The breath was immediately knocked out of me. I hung my head, wanting to curl up in a ball as I begged for air. "I want you to join my gang. You and Dakota." He spoke. "No." I responded. "You should do it. I did it. And I'm actually happy here." A familiar voice sounded as the door opened. I immediately looked up. My eyes went wide as I saw Dawson smirking at me. I glanced at Dakota as he looked absolutely furious.

"What the fuck Dawson." Dakota spoke with anger lacing his voice. "It's not bad at all." Dawson ignored Dakota as he started walking over towards me. "DONT FUCKING TOUCH HER!" Dakota yelled as he tried to break the cuffs he was in. X immediately stuffed cloth in his mouth to keep him from speaking.

"You are such a beauty." Dawson touched my neck, wrapped his hand around it. "I would love to have you as mine scarlet." He gave my neck a rub then looked down at my ripped dress. I cringed as his rough finger trailed down to my chest. He stopped at my bra. I couldn't speak. I didn't want to. Words wouldn't form as I opened my mouth to yell.

I immediately lifted my knee up, not knowing what else to do, and kneed him in his groin. He immediately grabbed himself as he made a face, crumbling to the ground. "Restrain her." Jared ordered Rj. Rj nodded and grabbed my left foot. I immediately began thrashing around and trying to kick him off.

Jared bent down to grab my other one and then I felt cuffs on my ankles. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, knowing I wouldn't be able to knee anyone anymore.

"Maybe after this you'll have a different answer for me." Jared smirked at me and turned around, walking towards the door to leave. Leaving his minions in here with Dakota and I.

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