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Chapter name: Sahara

"Every time I see you, oh my God Scar you're getting so big!" My Aunt Vanessa, who also has pink hair, pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around her, "You saw me last week..." I replied. "Oh yeah. You're right. But look at your hair! Still amazing." She touched a strand of my hair.

"Ah Scarlet. How are you?" Uncle Ace smiled at me as he took the phone of my fourteen year old cousin, Blaze. "Your brother decided to give me a body guard." I glanced at Dakota who was standing right beside me. "Yikes. That's tough kid. What does your mom say?" He asked me as he looked at Dakota. "Well this morning she said that she agrees with it." I remembered this morning whenever Dakota and I woke up and sat at the table to eat breakfast. Mom was there and she agreed to it.

"Hey would you mind taking Blaze to school?" Vanessa asked as Blaze walked up beside her. "Uh... sure. Arella and Salara will be here tonight right?" I asked. "And Connor and his wife. And a few others." Ace added as he pulled the baby out of the car. I nodded with a smile. "Come on boys. We are going to school." I turned around, pulling my keys out of my pocket and spinning them around my finger.


"Hey Scar." I was stopped by my friend group. Ida, Salara and Arellas adopted daughter, Leah, Paisley, Haylee, and Dawson. "Uh hey." I covered my mouth as I yawned. I looked behind me to make sure Dakota wasn't there, to my relief, he had already left. "You look great today." Dawson is winked at me. I looked down at my clothes. Crop top and ripped jeans. What I always wear. "Ok." I replied to him.

"Be a little nicer girl." Haylee playfully hit my shoulder. "I don't see a point in being nice." I replied taking out my mirror and putting dark red lipstick on my lips. "Have you always been like this?" Leah asked. I rolled my eyes, "You've known me ever since you joined the... club. You should know."

I'm a little more rough at school. Have to be. If I'm not I'll get bullied. So I'm rude. Mean. unapproachable to most. But that's how I like it.

"Scarlet?" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned around with my hands on my hips to see Dakota. "Miss me already?" I sighed. "Hardly." He replied. I glared, "Ok then what do you want?"

He looked at me, then over at my shoulder at my friend group. He leaned closer to my face, "If you don't want them knowing that I'm your body guard then follow me." He stood back up. I nodded and he turned around and began walking, I followed him without saying anything to my group.

We walked until we ended up in an empty classroom. Dakota sat down in a chair facing me. "Boss wanted me to tell you to stay away from Bennett." He told me. Why would dad want me to stay away from Bennett? Just from my neck and wrist? "Why would I do that?" I asked him. "He is showing signs of being a psychopath. Boss wants to make sure you stay away. If you disobey orders I will-"

"You fucking bitch." I heard a high pitch bitch voice behind me. I turn around to see... someone I don't know. When I didn't say anything she walked in, closing the door behind her. "Watch out Scarlet. She's with the gang that's after you. We found out this morning. It's Jared's gang. Her name is Sahara." Dakota stood up behind me.

"Stay out of this bud." Sahara took a step closer to me. I stayed in my place, balling my fists up. "You killed my father. You stupid bitch. We are gonna get you back sooner or later." She snarled. "Are you asking for a death wish?" I grabbed the knife out of my inside jacket pocket.

"You think a little knife Is going to stop me?" She laughed as she pulled out a gun from her boot. Dakota immediately grabbed my arm and put me behind him. I wanted to say something but I knew that this was his job. "Aweee can the little baby not handle herself?" Sahara teased. Then all the sudden she got serious. Her face went blank and her grip loosened on her gun, her eyes were dark, her expression unreadable. "I must be going now. I'd watch your back if I were you." She told us as she slipped her gun back in her boot and turned around to leave.

Scarlet (complete)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora